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Cacao + Primal Play & Dance Experience

Cacao + Primal Play & Dance Experience
• 6-9pm Sunday June 30th

Join us for this journey into primal movement with an epic mix of tribal beats. We will begin with a strong cup of cacao and vocal activation. We will then move on to find your wild side and to contact the animalistic part of your being that wants to crawl around with your fellow humanimals…

Cacao is not only a heart-opener, but also helps open our consciousness to travel through other worlds and dimensions, other lifetimes we hold in the eternity of our soul. In this experience of dance, movement, sound, contact inprovisazation and more, we journey in a playful remembering our most ancient and primal selves, from animals to our tribal human ancestors.

Have you been been looking to be more embodied and playful? Perhaps Holy Wow Cacao can help…

Come with no expectations for this experimental gathering. Where will the Cacao, your wild spirit and the great unknown of the group Energy take us?! Let’s see…

Pricing: $25 presale
$33 (starting 6/28)

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