Upcoming Events at Roots

Ecstatic Dance & Contact Improv  ft. DJ Rasa LaVee

Ecstatic Dance & Contact Improv ft. DJ Rasa LaVee

Rasa, (Catherine Dana Costa) has been a purveyor of words and music for as long as she can remember. A poet, singer, songwriter and improvisational performer, Rasa also plays guitar, percussion, ukulele, Native American flute and is making a valiant effort at learning the hurdy gurdy. She performs original folk, world-based and devotional music with musicians from around the globe brought together in her World Music collaborative movement called “The Redtailed Experience” and is a founding member of the local Kirtan group, Bhaav.

In 2023, Rasa discovered Ecstatic Dance and found a joy in movement that has been a part of her life ever since. She is firmly committed to getting everyone dancing and, to that end, with the unwavering support of her dance community, decided to become a DJ.

“Dance is the Juice of Life, bringing us closer to the Divine.”

Rasa is delighted that her DJ debut is at Roots to Crown. Her set is a quirky, eclectic interpretation of the Ecstatic Dance 5 Rhythms that will lead you on a moody and provocative journey.

Contact Improv by: Cameo Rose

Edance hosted by: Seva Mudita

Visuals provided by RJL Visuals




7 pm Contact Improv

8:15 pm Opening Circle

8:30 pm Edance

10 pm Closing Circle

Join us for Dance every Thursday 7-10pm & every first Saturday 6-11pm




Ecstatic Dance Guidelines

Silent Dance Floor: Please refrain from talking on the dance floor.

Shoes Off: Embrace the freedom of movement by dancing without shoes.

Substance-Free Zone: To keep this event safe and welcoming for all, please refrain from using drugs or alcohol. This is a kid-friendly environment.

Comfortable Attire: Wear clothes that allow you to move freely, like you would for yoga. Dress in a way that supports your fullest expression. No inappropriate attire to maintain a safe & welcoming atmosphere.

Scent-Free: Please avoid heavy scents or perfumes to respect everyone's sensitivity.

Practice Heart-Centered Consent

Space for Everyone: Honor each person’s need for space to dance on their own.

Connecting Mindfully: To engage with others, make eye contact and wait for a mutual 'yes'.

Solo Dancers’ Boundaries: Respect those who are dancing alone.

Gratitude Gesture: Hands in prayer signify, "I see you, and thank you for the dance (that just ended)."

This is a sacred space for healing, connection, and expression. Let’s co-create an environment where everyone feels safe and respected. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

Nurture Your Body: Love yourself by staying hydrated and listening to your body’s needs.


Energy Exchange


Drop-in: $20

Members: Free

Tickets available at the door.

We accept Cash, Credit Cards, Venmo, cash app, & Zelle

Kids (16 & under) are free!

Low income tickets available (x4): $11

Request from the front desk - first come, first serve.

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Sacred City Ceremony

Sacred City Ceremony

1. Roots to Crown is welcoming us to have Ceremony in their Conscious Space this week.

2. There is a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.

3. Doors open at 6:30pm and we ask that you are seated and ready when we begin Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp.

4. There will be a kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.

The Community
Sacred City is a magical place, built, brick by brick, with each courageous choice to be who we truly are then embrace however life unfolds from that authentic place.

Together, we do 3 things. We journey in ceremony to remember more of who we are, we step boldly into our daily lives to embody more of who we are, and we gather in celebration to rejoice in the magic that is created from embracing the meaningful adventure of an authentic life.

The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can return deeper into our true nature and most authentic expression.

This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.

The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $11 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.

4 Notes for You
1. This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!

2. We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!

3. We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together.

4. This Kirtan practice is not tied to any specific religion and is always looking to include songs from the spectrum of spiritual traditions across the globe.

Important Details
1. Doors open at 6:30PM
2. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM
3. Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on
4. The band will hold the container with their musical instruments. Simply bring your presence and your voice!
5. No experience required
6. Only attend if you plan on being deeply present and participating fully
7. Only attend if a sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign container is what you desire for your Friday night!

See you in the circle, my friends

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Ecstatic Dance | medicine muse

Ecstatic Dance | medicine muse

Medicine Muse (formerly Stellar Shift) channels deep Gaian codes and expansive Galactic energies through the heart, woven in a unique synergy of earthy tribal beats, organic house rhythms and delicious ethereal overtones.

She holds a potent field of alchemy for a sonic ceremonial journey into the body, creating raw, deep and sacred space for energetic release, ecstatic remembrance and rapturous rebirth with the multi-dimensional medicines of music and movement.

6:30 pm Doors open
7:15 pm Opening Circle
7:30 pm Edance Begins
9:45 pm Closing Circle

Edance Rules
Please Respect the Space
- No talking on the dance floor
- No street shoes on the dance floor
- This is a strictly no drug or alcohol event & is kid-friendly.
- Dress in comfortable clothes which enable free movement, such as you would wear to yoga.
- Please, no heavy scents or perfumes.
Practice Non-verbal consent
- Allow everyone the space to dance apart.
- To interact, make eye contact, and 'listen' for a yes.
- Respect solo dancers' space
- Hands in prayer means, "I see you, and thank you for the dance (that just ended)."
This is a transformational space for healing, connection, and expression. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
Love your body, and drink plenty of water.

RISE & CROWN Members are FREE

Tickets are available at the door.
We accept Cash, Credit Cards, Venmo, cash app, & Zelle
Kids (16 & under) are free!

Volunteer opportunities may also be available - reach out to Seva Mudita

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Sound Healing Journey with Lindy Romez Jaya Devi

Sound Healing Journey with Lindy Romez Jaya Devi

Sound Baths are very profound healing musical experiences and an easy way to meditate, heal, and transcend any disharmonies within the mind and body. Lindy uses Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, biosonic tuning forks, shamanic drumming, Native American flute, chanting, and various other sounds to help drop the brain into relaxing brainwave states.. Participants lay on the floor in supported savasana (corpse pose) to allow the waves of sound, frequency and vibrations to wash over them. Sound baths are a great compliment for those new to meditation and those who practice meditation regularly. If you are experiencing pain in the mind and body, this sound bath has been carefully designed to partner with you to assist in transcending lower frequency energy so you may alchemize to the higher frequency being that you are.

These instruments have been used for centuries for healing and meditation purposes. They create a range of sounds and frequencies that are harmonious to our nervous system and help to restore out-of-harmony parts of the body and mind to align us with our soul. The sounds generated by these sacred instruments are a type of vibrational medicine that promotes healing from stress, pain, depression, and most forms of dis-ease in the mind and body complex. The healing processes are initiated through en-training our brainwaves to synchronize with the perfect resonance of the universe through the unique range of tones that emit from these instruments. These tones create the perfect state for deep meditation, creative thinking, intuitive messages and powerful healing. The pure sonic waves that ring from these instruments wake up our ability to hear with more than our ears. We invite you to come and experience for yourself the powerful deep states of meditation that even someone new to meditation will be able to experience easily.

About the Facilitator


Lindy has been providing Sound Baths in the Tampa Bay area since her trip to India, March 2017. Along her own journey of healing and using sound to bring harmony to her own life experience, Lindy a former 82nd Airborne Division soldier, began to understand through the awareness of the high rate of suicide among fellow veterans that there is a need for community healing. Lindy believes that we all suffer on some level from time to time as it is a part of our life experience, and sound can be the best medicine. Through her non-profit Calm One, Inc, 501c3,

that was originally inspired by the high rate of suicide amongst veterans and the increased awareness of the mental health crisis that exists within all demographics. Her research began in 2019 and is ongoing on how sound, frequency, and vibration can offer the resonance to harmonize disharmonies within the mind and body complex. For more information and to donate visit, http://www.calmone.org

Lindy’s Collective Intention:

Our intention is to create a sacred and empowering space for those who are wholeheartedly engaged and ready to embark on a profound journey of awakening and self-discovery. We get to hold the space together for the healing and ascension for those who have been seeking to go deeper in their practice, healing and connecting with their higher purpose. If you are ready to transcend aspects of the self that no longer serve your higher purpose and recognize that you have not quite been yourself in a long time, it is with reverence and dedication that we are guided to support individuals in their spiritual growth, empowering them to embrace their true essence and live a life aligned with their soul’s purpose. We look forward to visiting with you as you are guided.

Private Sessions

If you would like to work with Lindy privately, you may reach her at calmoneemail@gmail.com. Subject line - Private Sound Healing Inquiry

Vibrational Medicine Sound Healing Course

If you are interested in learning and becoming certified in sound healing through Lindy’s Vibrational Medicine Course, visit: www.vibrationalmedicine.online for more information and email her directly, calmoneemail@gmail.com. Subject line - Interested in becoming a Certified Sound Healing Practitioner.

Free Guided Meditation

Lindy has recorded guided meditations that have been tested and proven by military veterans to assist with sleep, relaxation and inner peace. You may find her recordings free on:

Insight Timer: https://insig.ht/wWDpZH8CAsb

EkoSync YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@ekosyncmeditations

Follow Lindy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lindyromez/

Each Session is priced at $20
Preregistration available through BrightStar!

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Sound Healing Journey with Lindy Romez Jaya Devi

Sound Healing Journey with Lindy Romez Jaya Devi

Sound Baths are very profound healing musical experiences and an easy way to meditate, heal, and transcend any disharmonies within the mind and body. Lindy uses Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, biosonic tuning forks, shamanic drumming, Native American flute, chanting, and various other sounds to help drop the brain into relaxing brainwave states.. Participants lay on the floor in supported savasana (corpse pose) to allow the waves of sound, frequency and vibrations to wash over them. Sound baths are a great compliment for those new to meditation and those who practice meditation regularly. If you are experiencing pain in the mind and body, this sound bath has been carefully designed to partner with you to assist in transcending lower frequency energy so you may alchemize to the higher frequency being that you are.

These instruments have been used for centuries for healing and meditation purposes. They create a range of sounds and frequencies that are harmonious to our nervous system and help to restore out-of-harmony parts of the body and mind to align us with our soul. The sounds generated by these sacred instruments are a type of vibrational medicine that promotes healing from stress, pain, depression, and most forms of dis-ease in the mind and body complex. The healing processes are initiated through en-training our brainwaves to synchronize with the perfect resonance of the universe through the unique range of tones that emit from these instruments. These tones create the perfect state for deep meditation, creative thinking, intuitive messages and powerful healing. The pure sonic waves that ring from these instruments wake up our ability to hear with more than our ears. We invite you to come and experience for yourself the powerful deep states of meditation that even someone new to meditation will be able to experience easily.

About the Facilitator


Lindy has been providing Sound Baths in the Tampa Bay area since her trip to India, March 2017. Along her own journey of healing and using sound to bring harmony to her own life experience, Lindy a former 82nd Airborne Division soldier, began to understand through the awareness of the high rate of suicide among fellow veterans that there is a need for community healing. Lindy believes that we all suffer on some level from time to time as it is a part of our life experience, and sound can be the best medicine. Through her non-profit Calm One, Inc, 501c3,

that was originally inspired by the high rate of suicide amongst veterans and the increased awareness of the mental health crisis that exists within all demographics. Her research began in 2019 and is ongoing on how sound, frequency, and vibration can offer the resonance to harmonize disharmonies within the mind and body complex. For more information and to donate visit, http://www.calmone.org

Lindy’s Collective Intention:

Our intention is to create a sacred and empowering space for those who are wholeheartedly engaged and ready to embark on a profound journey of awakening and self-discovery. We get to hold the space together for the healing and ascension for those who have been seeking to go deeper in their practice, healing and connecting with their higher purpose. If you are ready to transcend aspects of the self that no longer serve your higher purpose and recognize that you have not quite been yourself in a long time, it is with reverence and dedication that we are guided to support individuals in their spiritual growth, empowering them to embrace their true essence and live a life aligned with their soul’s purpose. We look forward to visiting with you as you are guided.

Private Sessions

If you would like to work with Lindy privately, you may reach her at calmoneemail@gmail.com. Subject line - Private Sound Healing Inquiry

Vibrational Medicine Sound Healing Course

If you are interested in learning and becoming certified in sound healing through Lindy’s Vibrational Medicine Course, visit: www.vibrationalmedicine.online for more information and email her directly, calmoneemail@gmail.com. Subject line - Interested in becoming a Certified Sound Healing Practitioner.

Free Guided Meditation

Lindy has recorded guided meditations that have been tested and proven by military veterans to assist with sleep, relaxation and inner peace. You may find her recordings free on:

Insight Timer: https://insig.ht/wWDpZH8CAsb

EkoSync YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@ekosyncmeditations

Follow Lindy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lindyromez/

Each Session is priced at $20
Preregistration available through BrightStar!

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Sacred City Ceremony

Sacred City Ceremony

1. Roots to Crown is welcoming us to have Ceremony in their Conscious Space this week.

2. There is a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.

3. Doors open at 6:30pm and we ask that you are seated and ready when we begin Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp.

4. There will be a kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.

The Community
Sacred City is a magical place, built, brick by brick, with each courageous choice to be who we truly are then embrace however life unfolds from that authentic place.

Together, we do 3 things. We journey in ceremony to remember more of who we are, we step boldly into our daily lives to embody more of who we are, and we gather in celebration to rejoice in the magic that is created from embracing the meaningful adventure of an authentic life.

The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can return deeper into our true nature and most authentic expression.

This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.

The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $11 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.

4 Notes for You
1. This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!

2. We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!

3. We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together.

4. This Kirtan practice is not tied to any specific religion and is always looking to include songs from the spectrum of spiritual traditions across the globe.

Important Details
1. Doors open at 6:30PM
2. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM
3. Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on
4. The band will hold the container with their musical instruments. Simply bring your presence and your voice!
5. No experience required
6. Only attend if you plan on being deeply present and participating fully
7. Only attend if a sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign container is what you desire for your Friday night!

See you in the circle, my friends

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Acro Yoga Class

Acro Yoga Class

Saturday, Sept 21 | 1:30 - 3 PM | Roots to Crown
Teachers: Steve & Wendy Cota

This Acro Yoga class blends the awareness of yoga with the dynamic movement of acrobatics into a collaborative, fun, and energizing practice. It's a fantastic way to build strength, agility, flexibility, and balance while embracing the joy of play, exploration, and connection.

No experience is necessary, and you don't need a partner—bring a friend or make new ones here! This workshop welcomes all levels, from complete beginners to those more familiar with Acro Yoga. You'll learn foundational poses and how to seamlessly link them into flows. For those with more experience, advanced variations will be offered to challenge and refine your practice.

Whether you're new to Acro Yoga or looking to deepen your skills, you'll leave with a strong foundation and valuable tips for continuing to strengthen your practice. Above all, expect to have plenty of fun as you engage in this dynamic and supportive community.

Pricing: $16
Preregistration available: https://tickets.brightstarevents.com/event/acro-yoga-class
Or pay at the door!

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Tantric Domination: Activating Ecstatic Pleasure

Tantric Domination: Activating Ecstatic Pleasure

Evening Event for Singles and Couples, St. Pete!

What comes to mind when you think of Kink/BDSM? For many, the first thoughts are of pain, punishment, or strict obedience. But imagine instead, tantric touch, ecstatic pleasure, and sensual awakening that satisfies your kinky desires.

What is Tantric Domination?

Tantric Domination is an experience where the receiver (sub) can effortlessly surrender in their body, experiencing profound ecstasy while opening their heart to love, all within a safe and deeply connected relationship with their partner (Dom).

Join us for a night of learning and exploration—an opportunity to satisfy your intimate self's deepest cravings and desires.

Event Overview:

Welcome, and Mingle:

Begin the event with a relaxed 30-minute mingle session, allowing participants to connect and get comfortable in the space.

Introduction to Tantrikink®:

Explore the fusion of Tantra and BDSM. Learn about the core principles of the Tantrikink® methodology, which fosters deep surrendering in a sacred and safe manner.

Consent and Communication:

Discuss the importance of establishing boundaries, safe words, and clear, compassionate communication to ensure a consensual and safe experience.

Energy Exchange and Connection:

Understand how to harness and direct energy to create a powerful, intimate connection. Learn techniques for tantric touch, breathwork, sound activation, and movement to awaken the senses and deepen the experience.

Live Demonstration:

Witness a live demonstration of Tantric Domination, showcasing how to fuse Tantra and BDSM elements harmoniously. This interactive demo will provide practical insights and techniques.

Practice Session:

Participants will pair up to practice the techniques and rituals discussed. Lucia Gabriela will provide personalized guidance and feedback to enhance their practice.

Q&A and Integration:

An open floor for participants to share experiences, ask questions, and discuss insights. Receive guidance on incorporating these practices into your daily life and intimate relationships.

Tickets Options:

-Temple Alliance Member: $65 per person.

-Event Member: $85 per person.

Please note that all sales are final, and refunds are not available .

Note: To become a Temples Alliance Member and access exclusive benefits, including Discounted Pricing, attend the 2-hour Online Temples Orientation. Enroll for orientation at www.templesalliance.com


Lucia Gabriela is a renowned guide in the realm of intimacy, supporting both individuals and couples on their journey to mastery of purpose, life, relationships, and self-discovery.

Dedicated to fostering a profound sense of self-awareness and connection, Lucia Gabriela curates a secure and reverent environment where individuals can embark on a profound exploration of their multifaceted identities. Her expertise lies in aiding individuals in shedding the burdens of emotional and sexual traumas that may hinder them from realizing their aspirations. Through her guidance, clients undergo a transformative process of healing their inner child, embracing their shadows, and forging a connection with their higher selves.

Lucia Gabriela's guidance extends to cultivating a harmonious relationship with one's own body and unlocking its innate wisdom. By aligning with their authentic essence, individuals can unlock their untapped potential and lead lives brimming with purpose. This transformative journey also encompasses the mastery of one's sexual existence across all dimensions, empowering individuals to navigate their sexual and spiritual evolution with confidence and insight.

If you're seeking to embark on a path of self-discovery, enhanced relationships, and a profound connection with your own intimate journey, Lucia Gabriela's transformational coaching, somatic experiences, immersion weekends, and couples retreats offer invaluable opportunities. To explore these transformative offerings in greater detail, visit www.luciagabriela.com.

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Comedy @ Roots to Crown

Comedy @ Roots to Crown

Our Saturday showcases!

September 27, we will host an 8PM & 9:30PM show featuring the best comedians in Florida.

This is a BYOB event.

This show is for MATURE audiences only. If you are offended by things like "words" have fun not being fun.

Get your tickets now! See you there!

For more info about us, visit our website www.StPeteStandUp.com

Follow for updates: @StPeteStandUp, @rootstocrown.space

Tickets at the Door: $25 (Venmo, Cashapp, Card or Cash)

Card payments pay additional tax of $2.82 of at the door.


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Sacred City Ceremony

Sacred City Ceremony

1. Roots to Crown is welcoming us to have Ceremony in their Conscious Space this week.

2. There is a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.

3. Doors open at 6:30pm and we ask that you are seated and ready when we begin Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp.

4. There will be a kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.

The Community
Sacred City is a magical place, built, brick by brick, with each courageous choice to be who we truly are then embrace however life unfolds from that authentic place.

Together, we do 3 things. We journey in ceremony to remember more of who we are, we step boldly into our daily lives to embody more of who we are, and we gather in celebration to rejoice in the magic that is created from embracing the meaningful adventure of an authentic life.

The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can return deeper into our true nature and most authentic expression.

This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.

The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $11 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.

4 Notes for You
1. This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!

2. We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!

3. We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together.

4. This Kirtan practice is not tied to any specific religion and is always looking to include songs from the spectrum of spiritual traditions across the globe.

Important Details
1. Doors open at 6:30PM
2. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM
3. Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on
4. The band will hold the container with their musical instruments. Simply bring your presence and your voice!
5. No experience required
6. Only attend if you plan on being deeply present and participating fully
7. Only attend if a sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign container is what you desire for your Friday night!

See you in the circle, my friends

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Sacred City Ceremony

Sacred City Ceremony

1. Roots to Crown is welcoming us to have Ceremony in their Conscious Space this week.

2. There is a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.

3. Doors open at 6:30pm and we ask that you are seated and ready when we begin Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp.

4. There will be a kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.

The Community
Sacred City is a magical place, built, brick by brick, with each courageous choice to be who we truly are then embrace however life unfolds from that authentic place.

Together, we do 3 things. We journey in ceremony to remember more of who we are, we step boldly into our daily lives to embody more of who we are, and we gather in celebration to rejoice in the magic that is created from embracing the meaningful adventure of an authentic life.

The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can return deeper into our true nature and most authentic expression.

This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.

The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $11 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.

4 Notes for You
1. This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!

2. We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!

3. We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together.

4. This Kirtan practice is not tied to any specific religion and is always looking to include songs from the spectrum of spiritual traditions across the globe.

Important Details
1. Doors open at 6:30PM
2. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM
3. Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on
4. The band will hold the container with their musical instruments. Simply bring your presence and your voice!
5. No experience required
6. Only attend if you plan on being deeply present and participating fully
7. Only attend if a sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign container is what you desire for your Friday night!

See you in the circle, my friends

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Tantra Speed Date® - Tampa (St. Petersburg) Meet Singles Speed Dating

Tantra Speed Date® - Tampa (St. Petersburg) Meet Singles Speed Dating

👆CLICK PLAY to see sparks flying & souls aligning at TSD! (45 seconds)👆

Dive Into The Magic of Conscious Connection With Up To 20 Guided Speed Dates!


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. ......................

^^^ Hear that?

That's the sound of a long and very uncomfortable silence.

And if you've ever run out of things to talk about on a first date, then it's a sound you know all too well.

Which is why, here at Tantra Speed Date®, we do speed dating a little differently.

You see, our trained facilitators use cutting-edge relational techniques to bring you and your dates into a mindful state of presence.

When you're in this state, any feelings of nervousness or self-consciousness will melt away. So you can simply relax, have fun, and put your best foot forward...

While our interactive guided exercises light that 'spark' for you – no awkward small talk is needed!

Connecting on a deeply meaningful level couldn't be any easier...

And we've got the stats to prove it! (We're not just romantics, we're data geeks too)

By now, over 20,000+ singles have participated in Tantra Speed Date® in 50+ cities worldwide... And exactly 94.09% of them have matched with one or more dates!

In other words, you'll no longer have to rely on getting "lucky in love"...

Because this time the odds are in your favor ;)

So grab your ticket and get ready for a fun night of speed dating, matchmaking, and authentic relating!

* Events do sell out, so get your tickets online to guarantee your spot*

Our "Double Or Nothing" Connection Promise

With our 94.09% connection rate, making a match is almost a sure thing!

In fact, we're so confident you'll make at least one connection that if the sparks don't fly for you, then your next ticket is on us!

💝 Just read some of the wonderful testimonials below to learn what could happen for you!

Meet Your Facilitator: Myco Jai Devi

Myco is a Certified Tantra Speed Date® Facilitator

Myco is a recognized leader and contributor at events like Burning Man, the Love Burn, and the California Tantra Festival, among others. He has devoted over 3 years and hundreds of hours to one-on-one training in ancient Vedic wisdom under Dr. Michael Dean Goodman Maheshvara. A resident of St Pete for 10 years, Myco's journey has led him from clinical depression to a life filled with expansion, peace, and bliss, and he's passionate about sharing this transformation with others.

Contact: myco@tantrany.com


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Tantra Speed Date® - Tampa (St. Petersburg) Meet Singles Speed Dating

Tantra Speed Date® - Tampa (St. Petersburg) Meet Singles Speed Dating

👆CLICK PLAY to see sparks flying & souls aligning at TSD! (45 seconds)👆

Dive Into The Magic of Conscious Connection With Up To 20 Guided Speed Dates!


. ............

. ......................

^^^ Hear that?

That's the sound of a long and very uncomfortable silence.

And if you've ever run out of things to talk about on a first date, then it's a sound you know all too well.

Which is why, here at Tantra Speed Date®, we do speed dating a little differently.

You see, our trained facilitators use cutting-edge relational techniques to bring you and your dates into a mindful state of presence.

When you're in this state, any feelings of nervousness or self-consciousness will melt away. So you can simply relax, have fun, and put your best foot forward...

While our interactive guided exercises light that 'spark' for you – no awkward small talk is needed!

Connecting on a deeply meaningful level couldn't be any easier...

And we've got the stats to prove it! (We're not just romantics, we're data geeks too)

By now, over 20,000+ singles have participated in Tantra Speed Date® in 50+ cities worldwide... And exactly 94.09% of them have matched with one or more dates!

In other words, you'll no longer have to rely on getting "lucky in love"...

Because this time the odds are in your favor ;)

So grab your ticket and get ready for a fun night of speed dating, matchmaking, and authentic relating!

* Events do sell out, so get your tickets online to guarantee your spot*

Our "Double Or Nothing" Connection Promise

With our 94.09% connection rate, making a match is almost a sure thing!

In fact, we're so confident you'll make at least one connection that if the sparks don't fly for you, then your next ticket is on us!

💝 Just read some of the wonderful testimonials below to learn what could happen for you!

Meet Your Facilitator: Myco Jai Devi

Myco is a Certified Tantra Speed Date® Facilitator

Myco is a recognized leader and contributor at events like Burning Man, the Love Burn, and the California Tantra Festival, among others. He has devoted over 3 years and hundreds of hours to one-on-one training in ancient Vedic wisdom under Dr. Michael Dean Goodman Maheshvara. A resident of St Pete for 10 years, Myco's journey has led him from clinical depression to a life filled with expansion, peace, and bliss, and he's passionate about sharing this transformation with others.

Contact: myco@tantrany.com


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Tantra Speed Date® - Tampa (St. Petersburg) Meet Singles Speed Dating

Tantra Speed Date® - Tampa (St. Petersburg) Meet Singles Speed Dating

👆CLICK PLAY to see sparks flying & souls aligning at TSD! (45 seconds)👆

Dive Into The Magic of Conscious Connection With Up To 20 Guided Speed Dates!


. ............

. ......................

^^^ Hear that?

That's the sound of a long and very uncomfortable silence.

And if you've ever run out of things to talk about on a first date, then it's a sound you know all too well.

Which is why, here at Tantra Speed Date®, we do speed dating a little differently.

You see, our trained facilitators use cutting-edge relational techniques to bring you and your dates into a mindful state of presence.

When you're in this state, any feelings of nervousness or self-consciousness will melt away. So you can simply relax, have fun, and put your best foot forward...

While our interactive guided exercises light that 'spark' for you – no awkward small talk is needed!

Connecting on a deeply meaningful level couldn't be any easier...

And we've got the stats to prove it! (We're not just romantics, we're data geeks too)

By now, over 20,000+ singles have participated in Tantra Speed Date® in 50+ cities worldwide... And exactly 94.09% of them have matched with one or more dates!

In other words, you'll no longer have to rely on getting "lucky in love"...

Because this time the odds are in your favor ;)

So grab your ticket and get ready for a fun night of speed dating, matchmaking, and authentic relating!

* Events do sell out, so get your tickets online to guarantee your spot*

Our "Double Or Nothing" Connection Promise

With our 94.09% connection rate, making a match is almost a sure thing!

In fact, we're so confident you'll make at least one connection that if the sparks don't fly for you, then your next ticket is on us!

💝 Just read some of the wonderful testimonials below to learn what could happen for you!

Meet Your Facilitator: Myco Jai Devi

Myco is a Certified Tantra Speed Date® Facilitator

Myco is a recognized leader and contributor at events like Burning Man, the Love Burn, and the California Tantra Festival, among others. He has devoted over 3 years and hundreds of hours to one-on-one training in ancient Vedic wisdom under Dr. Michael Dean Goodman Maheshvara. A resident of St Pete for 10 years, Myco's journey has led him from clinical depression to a life filled with expansion, peace, and bliss, and he's passionate about sharing this transformation with others.

Contact: myco@tantrany.com


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Tantra Speed Date® - Tampa (St. Petersburg) Meet Singles Speed Dating

Tantra Speed Date® - Tampa (St. Petersburg) Meet Singles Speed Dating

👆CLICK PLAY to see sparks flying & souls aligning at TSD! (45 seconds)👆

Dive Into The Magic of Conscious Connection With Up To 20 Guided Speed Dates!


. ............

. ......................

^^^ Hear that?

That's the sound of a long and very uncomfortable silence.

And if you've ever run out of things to talk about on a first date, then it's a sound you know all too well.

Which is why, here at Tantra Speed Date®, we do speed dating a little differently.

You see, our trained facilitators use cutting-edge relational techniques to bring you and your dates into a mindful state of presence.

When you're in this state, any feelings of nervousness or self-consciousness will melt away. So you can simply relax, have fun, and put your best foot forward...

While our interactive guided exercises light that 'spark' for you – no awkward small talk is needed!

Connecting on a deeply meaningful level couldn't be any easier...

And we've got the stats to prove it! (We're not just romantics, we're data geeks too)

By now, over 20,000+ singles have participated in Tantra Speed Date® in 50+ cities worldwide... And exactly 94.09% of them have matched with one or more dates!

In other words, you'll no longer have to rely on getting "lucky in love"...

Because this time the odds are in your favor ;)

So grab your ticket and get ready for a fun night of speed dating, matchmaking, and authentic relating!

* Events do sell out, so get your tickets online to guarantee your spot*

Our "Double Or Nothing" Connection Promise

With our 94.09% connection rate, making a match is almost a sure thing!

In fact, we're so confident you'll make at least one connection that if the sparks don't fly for you, then your next ticket is on us!

💝 Just read some of the wonderful testimonials below to learn what could happen for you!

Meet Your Facilitator: Myco Jai Devi

Myco is a Certified Tantra Speed Date® Facilitator

Myco is a recognized leader and contributor at events like Burning Man, the Love Burn, and the California Tantra Festival, among others. He has devoted over 3 years and hundreds of hours to one-on-one training in ancient Vedic wisdom under Dr. Michael Dean Goodman Maheshvara. A resident of St Pete for 10 years, Myco's journey has led him from clinical depression to a life filled with expansion, peace, and bliss, and he's passionate about sharing this transformation with others.

Contact: myco@tantrany.com


View Event →
Tantra Speed Date® - Tampa (St. Petersburg) Meet Singles Speed Dating

Tantra Speed Date® - Tampa (St. Petersburg) Meet Singles Speed Dating

👆CLICK PLAY to see sparks flying & souls aligning at TSD! (45 seconds)👆

Dive Into The Magic of Conscious Connection With Up To 20 Guided Speed Dates!


. ............

. ......................

^^^ Hear that?

That's the sound of a long and very uncomfortable silence.

And if you've ever run out of things to talk about on a first date, then it's a sound you know all too well.

Which is why, here at Tantra Speed Date®, we do speed dating a little differently.

You see, our trained facilitators use cutting-edge relational techniques to bring you and your dates into a mindful state of presence.

When you're in this state, any feelings of nervousness or self-consciousness will melt away. So you can simply relax, have fun, and put your best foot forward...

While our interactive guided exercises light that 'spark' for you – no awkward small talk is needed!

Connecting on a deeply meaningful level couldn't be any easier...

And we've got the stats to prove it! (We're not just romantics, we're data geeks too)

By now, over 20,000+ singles have participated in Tantra Speed Date® in 50+ cities worldwide... And exactly 94.09% of them have matched with one or more dates!

In other words, you'll no longer have to rely on getting "lucky in love"...

Because this time the odds are in your favor ;)

So grab your ticket and get ready for a fun night of speed dating, matchmaking, and authentic relating!

* Events do sell out, so get your tickets online to guarantee your spot*

Our "Double Or Nothing" Connection Promise

With our 94.09% connection rate, making a match is almost a sure thing!

In fact, we're so confident you'll make at least one connection that if the sparks don't fly for you, then your next ticket is on us!

💝 Just read some of the wonderful testimonials below to learn what could happen for you!

Meet Your Facilitator: Myco Jai Devi

Myco is a Certified Tantra Speed Date® Facilitator

Myco is a recognized leader and contributor at events like Burning Man, the Love Burn, and the California Tantra Festival, among others. He has devoted over 3 years and hundreds of hours to one-on-one training in ancient Vedic wisdom under Dr. Michael Dean Goodman Maheshvara. A resident of St Pete for 10 years, Myco's journey has led him from clinical depression to a life filled with expansion, peace, and bliss, and he's passionate about sharing this transformation with others.

Contact: myco@tantrany.com


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Sound Healing Journey with Lindy Romez Jaya Devi

Sound Healing Journey with Lindy Romez Jaya Devi

Sound Baths are very profound healing musical experiences and an easy way to meditate, heal, and transcend any disharmonies within the mind and body. Lindy uses Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, biosonic tuning forks, shamanic drumming, Native American flute, chanting, and various other sounds to help drop the brain into relaxing brainwave states.. Participants lay on the floor in supported savasana (corpse pose) to allow the waves of sound, frequency and vibrations to wash over them. Sound baths are a great compliment for those new to meditation and those who practice meditation regularly. If you are experiencing pain in the mind and body, this sound bath has been carefully designed to partner with you to assist in transcending lower frequency energy so you may alchemize to the higher frequency being that you are.

These instruments have been used for centuries for healing and meditation purposes. They create a range of sounds and frequencies that are harmonious to our nervous system and help to restore out-of-harmony parts of the body and mind to align us with our soul. The sounds generated by these sacred instruments are a type of vibrational medicine that promotes healing from stress, pain, depression, and most forms of dis-ease in the mind and body complex. The healing processes are initiated through en-training our brainwaves to synchronize with the perfect resonance of the universe through the unique range of tones that emit from these instruments. These tones create the perfect state for deep meditation, creative thinking, intuitive messages and powerful healing. The pure sonic waves that ring from these instruments wake up our ability to hear with more than our ears. We invite you to come and experience for yourself the powerful deep states of meditation that even someone new to meditation will be able to experience easily.

About the Facilitator


Lindy has been providing Sound Baths in the Tampa Bay area since her trip to India, March 2017. Along her own journey of healing and using sound to bring harmony to her own life experience, Lindy a former 82nd Airborne Division soldier, began to understand through the awareness of the high rate of suicide among fellow veterans that there is a need for community healing. Lindy believes that we all suffer on some level from time to time as it is a part of our life experience, and sound can be the best medicine. Through her non-profit Calm One, Inc, 501c3,

that was originally inspired by the high rate of suicide amongst veterans and the increased awareness of the mental health crisis that exists within all demographics. Her research began in 2019 and is ongoing on how sound, frequency, and vibration can offer the resonance to harmonize disharmonies within the mind and body complex. For more information and to donate visit, http://www.calmone.org

Lindy’s Collective Intention:

Our intention is to create a sacred and empowering space for those who are wholeheartedly engaged and ready to embark on a profound journey of awakening and self-discovery. We get to hold the space together for the healing and ascension for those who have been seeking to go deeper in their practice, healing and connecting with their higher purpose. If you are ready to transcend aspects of the self that no longer serve your higher purpose and recognize that you have not quite been yourself in a long time, it is with reverence and dedication that we are guided to support individuals in their spiritual growth, empowering them to embrace their true essence and live a life aligned with their soul’s purpose. We look forward to visiting with you as you are guided.

Private Sessions

If you would like to work with Lindy privately, you may reach her at calmoneemail@gmail.com. Subject line - Private Sound Healing Inquiry

Vibrational Medicine Sound Healing Course

If you are interested in learning and becoming certified in sound healing through Lindy’s Vibrational Medicine Course, visit: www.vibrationalmedicine.online for more information and email her directly, calmoneemail@gmail.com. Subject line - Interested in becoming a Certified Sound Healing Practitioner.

Free Guided Meditation

Lindy has recorded guided meditations that have been tested and proven by military veterans to assist with sleep, relaxation and inner peace. You may find her recordings free on:

Insight Timer: https://insig.ht/wWDpZH8CAsb

EkoSync YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@ekosyncmeditations

Follow Lindy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lindyromez/

Each Session is priced at $20
Preregistration available through BrightStar!

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UNVEILING: Roots to Crown Fundraiser

UNVEILING: Roots to Crown Fundraiser

Join us for UNVEILING ~ a fundraiser for Roots to Crown where we'll display our new 40ft projector wall and present a lineup of our top facilitators!


5:30 PM: Doors Open

6:00 PM Abundance Meditation with Chris Parks of Seeks of the Eternal Satsang

6:30 PM Kirtan with Thomas Waterman of Sacred City

7:00 PM Ecstatic Dance with Meeshy

8:00 PM Soul Shine Showcase ~ line up of live musicians hosted by Rae Provenzano


This event is a fundraiser! We suggest making a donation of $20+ at the door to help support Roots.

We'll be raffling off $2000 worth of prizes at the door! You can buy tickets in person or online. Each prize category has it's own raffle so that you can enter the ones that you really want to win!

Here are all the Raffles: (total value $2000+)

Martin D12X1AE 12-string Acoustic-electric Guitar with Fishman pickup


Tantrikink Dungeon Rental


Roots to Crown - Crown Membership


Tantra Speed Date Tickets


Neurosomatic Therapy & NeoLifting


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Running Late

Running Late

Join us for an evening of live music as indie band Running Late and singer-songwriter Tori Vinson make their St. Pete debut, with support from local musician, Sophia Ciocca at Roots to Crown on Aug 30.

Doors open 7 PM ; Concert is from 7:30 - 10 PM

Running Late is a captivating singer-songwriter trio from Tallahassee, FL, blending the heartfelt introspection of Americana with the raw emotional depth of emo. Featuring the talents of Jay Collar, Synnøve Mikkelsen, and Carson Scher, their sound is a rich tapestry of melancholic melodies and powerful, driving rhythms. The band’s debut EP, Leave Me Something, explores themes of nature, the passage of time, and personal transformation, creating a warm and immersive soundscape that invites deep reflection. From the resonant bass lines to the ethereal yet melodic guitars, all anchored by Jay’s evocative vocals, Running Late’s music is more than just sound—it’s an experience.

Tori Vinson, a Pensacola-born musician with a soulful voice and a deep passion for storytelling through song, is also set to perform. Known for her work as Tori Lucia, she’s made waves in the indie rock scene with her band, Tori Lucia & The Nitty Gritties. With performances at prestigious events like the Pensacola Beach Songwriters Festival, Tori’s sound is as versatile as it is captivating. Her recent solo EP, Songs About The Moon, showcases a dynamic range of emotions and styles, from the infectious energy of “Maybe” to the haunting beauty of “Moondance.” Whether she’s delivering a soulful ballad or an upbeat anthem, Tori’s music resonates with honesty and a deep connection to the human experience.

Adding to the evening’s depth is Sophia Ciocca, an acclaimed local artist from St. Petersburg. Known for her catchy hooks, striking authenticity, and stripped-down sound reminiscent of the iconic Juno soundtrack, Sophia’s music is a journey into her inner world. Her profoundly confessional lyrics, drawn from her experiences with mental health struggles, trauma therapy, and the tender process of reparenting, offer a warm light for those in the dark. Her upcoming debut album, In Search of Home, tells the story of that journey, providing solace for sensitive souls and a lantern for anyone feeling alone.

This event is offered on a sliding scale!

We suggest donating $10-20 to help support these artists and the venue.

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Trees of the Forest: Ecstatic Dance & Contact Improv

Trees of the Forest: Ecstatic Dance & Contact Improv

Join us for an enchanting evening of Ecstatic Dance as we dive deep into the theme of "Trees of the Forest" with DJ Dharmadrum, the longest-running Ecstatic Dance DJ in Tampa Bay. With residencies at Movement Sanctuary, Roots to Crown, High Vibe Fridays, and High Vibe Ecstatic Dance on The Beach, DJ Dharmadrum brings a wealth of experience and a vast musical palette that spans the globe. His sets are a profound journey through the healing aspects of frequency, vibration, and movement, blending everything from Tribal chants, Techno, Psy Trance, Disco, and immersive soundscapes, to Yoga meditation and Binaural beats.

For this special dance, we'll explore ourselves as individual trees, standing tall and strong, yet deeply connected to each other as a small forest. As we dance, we'll expand this metaphor to include all of humanity, all of life, and consciousness itself as one giant, interconnected forest. The music selection will be mystical, invoking feelings of being on a grand journey through ancient woods, with Celtic, hobbit-inspired vibes, the sounds of wind rustling through the leaves, the gentle flow of waterfalls, and the whispers of the forest guiding our way.

Step into the magic of the forest, where movement is medicine, music heals, and dancing is pure alchemy. Whether you are a towering oak or a graceful willow, come as you are, and together, let’s create a forest of life, love, and consciousness on the dance floor.

Contact Improv by: Arthur Paul Burton

Edance hosted by: Seva Mudita

Visuals provided by RJL Visuals

This event is also a fundraiser for Roots to Crown - all funds go to support Roots - We also have a raffle running! Check it out: https://rafflecreator.com/pages/69129/rtc-fundraiser---1-month-crown-membership




7 pm Contact Improv

8:15 pm Opening Circle

8:30 pm Edance

10 pm Closing Circle

Join us for Dance every Thursday 7-10pm & every first Saturday 6-11pm




Ecstatic Dance Guidelines

Silent Dance Floor: Please refrain from talking on the dance floor.

Shoes Off: Embrace the freedom of movement by dancing without shoes.

Substance-Free Zone: To keep this event safe and welcoming for all, please refrain from using drugs or alcohol. This is a kid-friendly environment.

Comfortable Attire: Wear clothes that allow you to move freely, like you would for yoga. Dress in a way that supports your fullest expression. No inappropriate attire to maintain a safe & welcoming atmosphere.

Scent-Free: Please avoid heavy scents or perfumes to respect everyone's sensitivity.

Practice Heart-Centered Consent

Space for Everyone: Honor each person’s need for space to dance on their own.

Connecting Mindfully: To engage with others, make eye contact and wait for a mutual 'yes'.

Solo Dancers’ Boundaries: Respect those who are dancing alone.

Gratitude Gesture: Hands in prayer signify, "I see you, and thank you for the dance (that just ended)."

This is a sacred space for healing, connection, and expression. Let’s co-create an environment where everyone feels safe and respected. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

Nurture Your Body: Love yourself by staying hydrated and listening to your body’s needs.


Energy Exchange


Drop-in: $20

Members: Free

Tickets available at the door.

We accept Cash, Credit Cards, Venmo, cash app, & Zelle

Kids (16 & under) are free!

Low income tickets available (x4): $11

Request from the front desk - first come, first serve.

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Death Cafe

Death Cafe

Wanna Talk About Death?

Step into our Death Cafe, where the atmosphere is warm and welcoming, and conversations about life and mortality flow freely. This unique social gathering offers a safe, non-judgmental space to explore all things death, dying, and grief. Whether you have personal stories, deep questions, or simply a curiosity, all experiences and perspectives are welcome at our table.

Dive into meaningful, participant-led discussions with your community and embark on a thought-provoking journey together. Savor delicious treats, sip on your favorite beverages, and connect with others in a profound and enriching way. Let’s embrace the beauty of life’s final chapter with open hearts and minds.

This event is offered on a donation basis. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and are essential for our continued operation. Thank you for supporting our community and helping us create more transformative experiences!

Aya is a Death Doula, Seraphic Wisdom Practitioner, intuitive guide, Reiki Master, trained breathwork facilitator, and Registered Nurse. Her years as a nurse illuminated the need for awareness around the ultimate surrender and was the driving force behind normalizing death talk as well as how we approach death care. Aya’s philosophy is rooted in providing a safe space for people to connect with others while feeling nurtured and supported during conversational topics about life, death and dying, grief, and all the in-between elements.

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A Conscious Love Story featuring Dawn Loves Nash & The Captive Eddies

A Conscious Love Story featuring Dawn Loves Nash & The Captive Eddies

Roots To Crown Presents: A Conscious Love Story

Join us for an evening where music and connection come together to create a truly magical experience. This isn’t just a concert—it’s an invitation to craft your own love story with life, engage in meaningful reflection, and celebrate the beauty of conscious connection.

Write a Love Story with us! (6 - 8 pm)

Begin the evening with a transformative 2-hour songwriting workshop, where you'll be guided to create your own conscious love story through music. Whether you're a seasoned songwriter or simply have a story to tell, this workshop is your chance to express your creativity in a supportive and inspiring environment.

Heart-Opening Cacao Ceremony (8 - 8:30 pm)

After the workshop, we’ll gather for a sacred Cacao ceremony meditation, grounding ourselves in the present moment and deepening our connection to the evening’s intentions.

An Evening of Soulful Music (8:30 pm - 11 pm)

Prepare to be captivated by the sounds of The Captive Eddie’s and Dawn Loves Nash. Their music, rich with soulful harmonies and catchy, thought-provoking lyrics, will fill the space with love and joy. As a special highlight, we will feature a live performance of the song created by the group during the workshop—a unique moment of collective creativity and connection.

The Captive Eddie’s

With over 30 years of experience, The Captive Eddie’s bring a unique blend of Island Soul Conscious music that inspires and uplifts. Their songs are a celebration of life, love, and unity, woven with the warmth and rhythm of the islands.

Dawn Loves Nash

Dawn Loves Nash blends Cosmic Folk Soul with an island twist, delivering music that is both self-reflective and upbeat. As a married couple for 17 years, they sing and write about their life together, offering listeners a reminder that healing comes through all of our emotions. Their music is not just a performance but a way to find harmony and flow in life. They have been on a mission to empower healing through "good vibes" music, traveling across the southeast, sharing their songs with caregivers, families, and friends. Their work through the Traveling Caregivers Ministries SSM highlights their commitment to caring for caregivers and supporting communities in need.

Support with Purpose

Your event participation supports the Traveling Caregivers and Roots to Crown, helping us continue our missions to foster love, healing, and creative expression in our communities.

Come be a part of this beautiful experience, where every note and every word is a step towards a more conscious, loving world. We can’t wait to share this night with you.


Early Access Tickets

Complete Experience: $28

Concert Only: $18

Day of tickets

Complete Experience: $35

Concert Only: $25

These tickets are a donation to support both Roots to Crown and The Traveling Caregivers. If you'd like to contribute more, you can do so at checkout on the ticketing website or in person at the event. If you'd love to join us but can't pay the full ticket price, you're still very welcome! Simply pay what you can at the door—we'd be delighted to have you with us!

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PHOENIX: Ecstatic Dance & Contact Improv

PHOENIX: Ecstatic Dance & Contact Improv

Step into the Phoenix Portal, a transformative cosmic alignment where the energies of death, rebirth, and renewal converge to ignite profound personal transformation. Just as the mythical Phoenix rises from its ashes, this event offers a powerful opportunity to shed the old and embrace the new, awakening to your truest self.

DJ Kiger has meticulously crafted a musical journey that mirrors the Phoenix's cycle of destruction and rebirth. His set is an alchemical blend of dynamic rhythms and soul-stirring beats, guiding you through the flames of transformation and into a space of empowered renewal. Each wave of music is designed to help you release what no longer serves and dance your way into a vibrant new chapter. DJ Kiger weaves together uplifting dance tracks with conscious, transformative sounds, creating an immersive experience that supports your journey of self-discovery and rebirth.

Contact Improv by: Cameo Rose
Edance hosted by: Seva Mudita
Visuals provided by RJL Visuals

This event is also a fundraiser for Roots to Crown - all funds go to support Roots - We also have a raffle running and an IndieGoGo
Raffle: https://rafflecreator.com/.../rtc-fundraiser---1-month...
Indiegogo: https://igg.me/at/rootstocrown/x/5685912#/
7 pm Contact Improv
8:15 pm Opening Circle
8:30 pm Edance
10 pm Closing Circle

Join us for Dance every Thursday 7-10pm & every first Saturday 6-11pm
Ecstatic Dance Guidelines

Silent Dance Floor: Please refrain from talking on the dance floor.
Shoes Off: Embrace the freedom of movement by dancing without shoes.
Substance-Free Zone: To keep this event safe and welcoming for all, please refrain from using drugs or alcohol. This is a kid-friendly environment.
Comfortable Attire: Wear clothes that allow you to move freely, like you would for yoga. Dress in a way that supports your fullest expression. No inappropriate attire to maintain a safe & welcoming atmosphere.
Scent-Free: Please avoid heavy scents or perfumes to respect everyone's sensitivity.

Practice Heart-Centered Consent

Space for Everyone: Honor each person’s need for space to dance on their own.
Connecting Mindfully: To engage with others, make eye contact and wait for a mutual 'yes'.
Solo Dancers’ Boundaries: Respect those who are dancing alone.
Gratitude Gesture: Hands in prayer signify, "I see you, and thank you for the dance (that just ended)."
This is a sacred space for healing, connection, and expression. Let’s co-create an environment where everyone feels safe and respected. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
Nurture Your Body: Love yourself by staying hydrated and listening to your body’s needs.

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Holistic Harmony: A Journey to complete wellness

Holistic Harmony: A Journey to complete wellness

Join Michele of Warriorspirit Infinite Love Enterprises for an immersive experience designed to balance and elevate your mind, body, and spirit. This workshop offers a unique blend of activities to nurture all aspects of your well-being:

1. Activation Meditation/Shamanic Reiki Drumming: Dive deep into a meditative state with the power of rhythmic drumming and healing Reiki energy. This session will help activate your chakra system, and allow for release of what no longer serves.
2. Ecstatic Dance: Let your body move freely to the rhythm of music in a liberating and joyous dance experience. Ecstatic dance promotes physical health, emotional release, and a deeper connection to your inner self.
3. Ho’oponopono Exercise: Engage in the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono to cleanse and heal your relationships. This powerful forgiveness exercise will guide you towards emotional freedom and inner peace.
4. Crypto Crash Course: Empower your financial wellness with a comprehensive introduction to cryptocurrency. Understand the basics, the benefits, and the potential of this modern financial revolution.
5. Platonic Conscious Cuddles: Experience the healing power of human touch in a safe, respectful environment. Platonic conscious cuddling helps reduce stress, foster connection, and allows you to root in with your sovereignty.

Embark on this holistic journey with us and discover the path to complete wellness. Whether you are seeking spiritual growth, emotional healing, financial knowledge, or physical comfort, our workshop offers something for everyone.

Early Access $33 (available until 8/11 midnight)
Advance Tickets $44 (available until 8/16 midnight)
Day of Tickets $55

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Sacred City Ceremony

Sacred City Ceremony

1. Roots to Crown is welcoming us to have Ceremony in their Conscious Space this week.

2. There is a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.

3. Doors open at 6:30pm and we ask that you are seated and ready when we begin Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp.

4. There will be a kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.

The Community
Sacred City is a magical place, built, brick by brick, with each courageous choice to be who we truly are then embrace however life unfolds from that authentic place.

Together, we do 3 things. We journey in ceremony to remember more of who we are, we step boldly into our daily lives to embody more of who we are, and we gather in celebration to rejoice in the magic that is created from embracing the meaningful adventure of an authentic life.

The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can return deeper into our true nature and most authentic expression.

This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.

The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $11 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.

4 Notes for You
1. This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!

2. We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!

3. We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together.

4. This Kirtan practice is not tied to any specific religion and is always looking to include songs from the spectrum of spiritual traditions across the globe.

Important Details
1. Doors open at 6:30PM
2. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM
3. Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on
4. The band will hold the container with their musical instruments. Simply bring your presence and your voice!
5. No experience required
6. Only attend if you plan on being deeply present and participating fully
7. Only attend if a sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign container is what you desire for your Friday night!

See you in the circle, my friends

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SPIRALS: Ecstatic dance + Contact Improv

SPIRALS: Ecstatic dance + Contact Improv

Spirals: A Journey Through the Cycles of Life

Join us for an evening of dynamic movement and deep connection as we explore the sacred geometry of the spiral—a symbol that reflects the endless journey of growth and self-discovery. From the spirals in the Milky Way to the patterns found in seashells and our very DNA, the spiral represents the continuous cycles of life, where each turn offers new insights and deeper understanding.

The evening will open with a special performance by Myles Optimystic, a St. Pete-based Hip Hop & Indie Pop artist whose music touches on themes of mindfulness, healing, and collective transformation. Myles will perform their evocative song, "Spirals," setting the tone for a night of introspection and celebration. With music that ranges from high-energy anthems to reflective melodies, Myles reminds us of our shared journey through life—one that is unified by sound, breath, and the conscious awareness that we are all interconnected.

Following Myles' performance, DJ JADI (Joel Jadus) will guide us through a high-energy dance journey, weaving together genres like melodic house, trap, future bass, and electronic. Each track is thoughtfully chosen to elevate your spirit and help you connect more deeply with yourself and the community around you. As we dance, we'll mirror the rhythms of the universe, moving in spirals that represent both personal growth and the unity of all life.

This isn't just a dance—it's an opportunity to reconnect with your inner self and the world around you. Whether you're revisiting lessons you've learned before or discovering new truths, this night will be a celebration of the infinite cycles of life, through movement, music, and shared experience.

Come and dance with us, as we honor the spiral and the endless journey it represents

Contact Improv by: Arthur Burton

Edance hosted by: Seva Mudita

Visuals provided by RJL Visuals

This event is also a fundraiser for Roots to Crown - all funds go to support Roots - We also have a raffle running and an IndieGoGo

Raffle: https://rafflecreator.com/pages/69129/rtc-fundraiser---1-month-crown-membership

Indiegogo: https://igg.me/at/rootstocrown/x/5685912#/




7 pm Contact Improv

8:15 pm Opening Circle

8:30 pm Edance

10 pm Closing Circle

Join us for Dance every Thursday 7-10pm & every first Saturday 6-11pm




Ecstatic Dance Guidelines

Silent Dance Floor: Please refrain from talking on the dance floor.

Shoes Off: Embrace the freedom of movement by dancing without shoes.

Substance-Free Zone: To keep this event safe and welcoming for all, please refrain from using drugs or alcohol. This is a kid-friendly environment.

Comfortable Attire: Wear clothes that allow you to move freely, like you would for yoga. Dress in a way that supports your fullest expression. No inappropriate attire to maintain a safe & welcoming atmosphere.

Scent-Free: Please avoid heavy scents or perfumes to respect everyone's sensitivity.

Practice Heart-Centered Consent

Space for Everyone: Honor each person’s need for space to dance on their own.

Connecting Mindfully: To engage with others, make eye contact and wait for a mutual 'yes'.

Solo Dancers’ Boundaries: Respect those who are dancing alone.

Gratitude Gesture: Hands in prayer signify, "I see you, and thank you for the dance (that just ended)."

This is a sacred space for healing, connection, and expression. Let’s co-create an environment where everyone feels safe and respected. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

Nurture Your Body: Love yourself by staying hydrated and listening to your body’s needs.


Energy Exchange


Drop-in: $20

Members: Free

Tickets are available at the door.

We accept Cash, Credit Cards, Venmo, cash app, & Zelle

Kids (16 & under) are free!

Low-income tickets available (x4): $11

Request from the front desk - first come, first serve.

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Medicine Hop Album Release Show

Medicine Hop Album Release Show

Sacred Sound Collective is releasing their debut album, "Medicine Hop" which combines a modern hip-hop beat and flow with tribal style percussion, melodies, and vocals. This collective is a group of local Florida medicine musicians coming together at Roots to Crown to celebrate the release of their first full-length musical project. This event will feature a live concert performance of their album.

9 pm: Introduction to the band, our vision, how the album came together

9:20 pm musical performance starts

10:20 pm: album performance finishes

10:20-11pm: Wind down with sound healing

Tickets: $15 Presale, $20 Day-of

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Lion’s Gate: Ecstatic Dance + Contact Improv

Lion’s Gate: Ecstatic Dance + Contact Improv

Step into the Lion's Gate portal, a powerful cosmic alignment occurring every year on August 8th, where the sun in Leo, the star Sirius, and Orion's Belt synchronize, creating a surge of high-frequency energy. This portal opens a gateway for spiritual awakening, self-discovery, and transformation.

DJ Kiger has crafted a powerful journey to inspire courage and strength. His set is the perfect playground to dance our greatest desires into manifestation. Each wave of music is designed to foster a deeply embodied connection, empowering us to align with our highest potential. DJ Kiger seamlessly blends house, electro, indie, synthpop, and dark electronic music, creating a rich tapestry of sound to enhances our spiritual growth and transformation​.

Special Note: We're also celebrating Cameo & Kiger's birthdays!

Contact Improv by: Cameo Rose
Edance hosted by: Seva Mudita
Visuals provided by RJL Visuals

This event is also a fundraiser for Roots to Crown - all funds go to support Roots - We also have a raffle running and an IndieGoGo
Raffle: URL will be posted here soon
Indiegogo: https://igg.me/at/rootstocrown/x/5685912#/
7 pm Contact Improv
8:15 pm Opening Circle
8:30 pm Edance
10 pm Closing Circle

Join us for Dance every Thursday 7-10pm & every first Saturday 6-11pm
Ecstatic Dance Guidelines

Silent Dance Floor: Please refrain from talking on the dance floor.
Shoes Off: Embrace the freedom of movement by dancing without shoes.
Substance-Free Zone: To keep this event safe and welcoming for all, please refrain from using drugs or alcohol. This is a kid-friendly environment.
Comfortable Attire: Wear clothes that allow you to move freely, like you would for yoga. Dress in a way that supports your fullest expression. No inappropriate attire to maintain a safe & welcoming atmosphere.
Scent-Free: Please avoid heavy scents or perfumes to respect everyone's sensitivity.

Practice Heart-Centered Consent

Space for Everyone: Honor each person’s need for space to dance on their own.
Connecting Mindfully: To engage with others, make eye contact and wait for a mutual 'yes'.
Solo Dancers’ Boundaries: Respect those who are dancing alone.
Gratitude Gesture: Hands in prayer signify, "I see you, and thank you for the dance (that just ended)."
This is a sacred space for healing, connection, and expression. Let’s co-create an environment where everyone feels safe and respected. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
Nurture Your Body: Love yourself by staying hydrated and listening to your body’s needs.

Energy Exchange
Drop-in: $20
Members: Free
Tickets available at the door.
We accept Cash, Credit Cards, Venmo, cash app, & Zelle
Kids (16 & under) are free!

Low income tickets available (x4): $11
Request from the front desk - first come, first serve.

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Ecstatic Dance + Contact Beyond Contact | Butter Thieves

Ecstatic Dance + Contact Beyond Contact | Butter Thieves

Butter Thieves is a dynamic kirtan fusion project led by Janardana Das, blending traditional kirtan with modern genres like hip-hop and reggae. Butter Thieves performs internationally and at festivals, including the Festival of Colors, Bhakti Fest, Om Festival and more, bringing the joyous and transformative power of kirtan to tens of thousands. Their innovative approach helps bridge the gap between ancient spiritual practices and modern musical expressions, making spirituality accessible and engaging for all.

Ecstatic Dance Host: Seva Mudita
Contact Beyond Contact Facilitator: Cameo Rose

5:30 pm Doors open
6 - 8 pm Contact Beyond Contact - Cameo Rose
8 pm Intermission ~ Food & drinks available!
8:30 pm Edance Opening Circle
8:45 pm Music starts
10:45 pm Closing Circle

What is Contact Beyond Contact?

From a deep sense of listening, Contact Beyond Contact is a somatic movement practice that offers a profound opportunity to deepen awareness in relationship with yourself, with one another, and with Spirit. It provides a clear structure to orient to the vibrations of different states that are eternally present. CBC weaves ancient healing practices with modern function.

As the facilitator, Cameo Rose aims to create an environment that strengthens safety within, so we can create magic together. She stands for connection, authenticity, and trust.

Drawing from over 10 years of therapeutic dance, she opens awareness to release trauma and discover exquisite truth. As a Craniosacral therapist, Crisis Stabilization Specialist, and bodyworker, she holds an anchor to recognize one’s inner truth. Let's find it and uncover your inner wisdom as we move and connect with each other. This class invites you to literally lean on each other.

This contact practice establishes a strong foundation to enter the Ecstatic Dance realm directly following class. We aim to cultivate a more connected community through authentic movement. So, bring your whole self and let's play.

Join us to co-regulate nervous system health, lose yourself in dance, and find a deeper connection with your source power... together.

Edance Rules
Please Respect the Space
- No talking on the dance floor
- No street shoes on the dance floor
- This is a strictly no drug or alcohol event & is kid-friendly.
- Dress in comfortable clothes which enable free movement, such as you would wear to yoga.
- Please, no heavy scents or perfumes.
Practice Non-verbal consent
- Allow everyone the space to dance apart.
- To interact, make eye contact, and 'listen' for a yes.
- Respect solo dancers' space
- Hands in prayer means, "I see you, and thank you for the dance (that just ended)."
This is a transformational space for healing, connection, and expression. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
Love your body, and drink plenty of water.

$30 ADV, $40 Day-of
RISE & CROWN Members are FREE

Tickets are available at the door.
We accept Cash, Credit Cards, Venmo, cash app, & Zelle
Kids (16 & under) are free!

We highly recommend coming for the full event! However, if you'd like to join us for just the dance, $30 dance-only tickets will be available at the door starting at 8pm, so long as space allows.

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Let’s Improv!

Let’s Improv!

Hey Y'all...Let's Improv!! Come Join us in this Lively, playful workshop to practice the FUNdamental games of improvisation. Improv is not just for musicians, actors or comedians...Improv is Saying "Yes" to whatever is happening And playing along with it. Improv happens with an open mind, a flexible spirit and a willingness to let your imagination run free.
You will learn the foundations and principles of the collaborative art of improv through easy, fun group games and team scene creation.

Hosted by your friendly Sass-Master... Maria Avanzando Scuderi.
My motto is..."Imagination Liberation is the beginning of Creation!"

Some of the benefits of practicing improv include...self confidence, courageousness, gaining new perspectives, active listening, creative co-creation, and allowing your inner child out to play and be silly.

WARNING: Quick-wit isn't a prerequisite however side effects can include, giggling, instant rapport with others, wild, and possibly ridiculous, unbounded radical self expression.

Space is limited to 12! Ages 16+ Please RSVP (link below)

Maria Scuderi graduated with her masters in Art Education. She has taught in diverse schools and communities nationwide. With a background in acting and extensive experience in visual and performing arts, Maria is currently having a BLAST while enthusiastically coaching groups in the Art of improvisation!
"Find the Joy in Free-Flowing Creative Expression and Let's Improv!"




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Sacred City Ceremony

Sacred City Ceremony

1. Roots to Crown is welcoming us to have Ceremony in their Conscious Space this week.

2. There is a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.

3. Doors open at 6:30pm and we ask that you are seated and ready when we begin Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp.

4. There will be a kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.

The Community
Sacred City is a magical place, built, brick by brick, with each courageous choice to be who we truly are then embrace however life unfolds from that authentic place.

Together, we do 3 things. We journey in ceremony to remember more of who we are, we step boldly into our daily lives to embody more of who we are, and we gather in celebration to rejoice in the magic that is created from embracing the meaningful adventure of an authentic life.

The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can return deeper into our true nature and most authentic expression.

This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.

The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $11 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.

4 Notes for You
1. This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!

2. We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!

3. We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together.

4. This Kirtan practice is not tied to any specific religion and is always looking to include songs from the spectrum of spiritual traditions across the globe.

Important Details
1. Doors open at 6:30PM
2. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM
3. Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on
4. The band will hold the container with their musical instruments. Simply bring your presence and your voice!
5. No experience required
6. Only attend if you plan on being deeply present and participating fully
7. Only attend if a sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign container is what you desire for your Friday night!

See you in the circle, my friends

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Ecstatic Dance: Serpentine Salua

Ecstatic Dance: Serpentine Salua

Serpentine Salua is an ecstatic dance DJ bridging tribal, indigenous sounds with electronic, downtemple wubs for the ultimate sonic alchemy experience. She embodies the spirit of the serpent, the mystical, visionary archetype of the feminine mysteries. Serpentine meaning the primal, eternal movement of death and rebirth, transformation, alchemy and creation. Serpentine meaning a Return to the Rhythms of the Earth. She was born and raised in Colombia and is influenced by her ancestral roots. She has been facilitating ceremonies the last few years with cacao and other plant medicines. She sees sound, vibration, music and movement as a powerful ceremony. She appreciates how music can take us into an inner journey and into a space of authentic movement. She believes music has monumental healing potential to bring balance, integration, acceptance and inspiration for all that is present within us. Salua's intention is to take people on a journey through different soundscapes that elicit emotion and provide an elixir for the soul.
She is inspired and selects songs by artists like mose, porangui, yaima, of the trees, liquid bloom and more.

Contact Improv by: Arthur Burton
Edance hosted by: Kaylee Davis
Visuals provided by RJL Visuals

This event is also a fundraiser for Roots to Crown - all funds go to support Roots - We also have a raffle running and an IndieGoGo
Raffle: URL will be posted here soon
Indiegogo: https://igg.me/at/rootstocrown/x/5685912#/
7 pm Contact Improv
8:15 pm Opening Circle
8:30 pm Edance
10 pm Closing Circle

Join us for Dance every Thursday 7-10pm & every first Saturday 6-11pm
Ecstatic Dance Guidelines

Silent Dance Floor: Please refrain from talking on the dance floor.
Shoes Off: Embrace the freedom of movement by dancing without shoes.
Substance-Free Zone: To keep this event safe and welcoming for all, please refrain from using drugs or alcohol. This is a kid-friendly environment.
Comfortable Attire: Wear clothes that allow you to move freely, like you would for yoga. Dress in a way that supports your fullest expression. No inappropriate attire to maintain a safe & welcoming atmosphere.
Scent-Free: Please avoid heavy scents or perfumes to respect everyone's sensitivity.

Practice Heart-Centered Consent

Space for Everyone: Honor each person’s need for space to dance on their own.
Connecting Mindfully: To engage with others, make eye contact and wait for a mutual 'yes'.
Solo Dancers’ Boundaries: Respect those who are dancing alone.
Gratitude Gesture: Hands in prayer signify, "I see you, and thank you for the dance (that just ended)."
This is a sacred space for healing, connection, and expression. Let’s co-create an environment where everyone feels safe and respected. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
Nurture Your Body: Love yourself by staying hydrated and listening to your body’s needs.

Energy Exchange
Drop-in: $20
Members: Free
Tickets available at the door.
We accept Cash, Credit Cards, Venmo, cash app, & Zelle
Kids (16 & under) are free!

Low income tickets available (x4): $11
Request from the front desk - first come, first serve.

Roots to Crown

Roots to Crown is a transformational event venue and community center offering space for the growing health-conscious community to gather, connect, practice, and celebrate life.

We envision a world where everyone feels safe, loved and supported in embodying their fullest expression and actualizing their greatest potential.

We are located at:
1741 1st Ave N
St. Petersburg

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Community Talent Share

Community Talent Share

Display your talent and cheer on local friends at the Community Talent Share. This is the second summer talent share at Roots to Crown. Marcile Powers, nonviolent communication trainer, is hosting this talent share based on the tradition in NVC Learning Communities. This means we are here to celebrate each other for doing what we love and giving the gift of presence when performing. Please sign up in advance for this family-friendly event for performers of all ages at this link https://form.jotform.com/241907037190151

DJ Dhramadrum will assist with music and a closing dance at the end of the evening.

Community-building icebreakers will be offered before the talent share portion of the evening.

Opening and community building 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Spoken Word Shares 7:30-8:00 pm
Shares with a backtrack 8:00 - 10:00 pm
Closing Dance 10:00 - 10:30 pm

Advanced Tickets: $15
Door Tickets: $20

16 and under is free

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Greg Wrenn's MOTHERSHIP: Ayahuasca as Trauma Medicine & Eco-Sacrament

Greg Wrenn's MOTHERSHIP: Ayahuasca as Trauma Medicine & Eco-Sacrament

This is your chance to hear Professor Greg Wrenn read from his fascinating new book, MOTHERSHIP: A MEMOIR OF WONDER AND CRISIS

Join us at Roots to Crown for an intimate gathering of storytelling and ecological and spiritual exploration co-sponsored by Noonautics.org and the Tampa Bay Psychedelic Community. Come face to face with the reparenting force of Madre Ayahuasca — and learn the science behind this psychedelic medicine’s ability to heal childhood trauma and connect us with our larger purpose❤️

Weaving together memoir and 70 peer-reviewed scientific articles, MOTHERSHIP is both a coming-of-age story and a deeply researched account of how coral reefs and ayahuasca helped Greg heal from complex PTSD—and awakened him to the need for us to heal the planet as well. Rick Doblin, PhD called MOTHERSHIP “a deeply moving roadmap through the intertwined destinies of individual well-being and the urgent need to heal our planet," and Rachel Harris, PhD, author of LISTENING TO AYAHUASCA, said it's “an important contribution to the growing field of psychedelic study."

Event Highlights:

* Explore a healing paradigm possibly more powerful than many traditional therapeutic models, and the role psychedelics can play in our time of widespread mental illness and the ongoing climate crisis.

* Hear a well-crafted tale that weaves threads of memoir, mental health struggles, scientific research, and good-old-fashioned psychedelic adventure.

* Get your book signed! After a talk and discussion-based Q+A, Greg Wrenn will sign copies of his book.

* Connect! As always, we will have an opportunity afterwards to meet other like-minded individuals, and come away with new friends

A former Stegner Fellow at Stanford University, Greg is currently an associate professor of English at James Madison University, where he weaves climate change science into literary studies. He also teaches writing through Stanford Continuing Studies and in the Bennington College Low-Residency MFA Program. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in HuffPost, The New Republic, Al Jazeera, The Rumpus, LitHub, The Iowa Review, and elsewhere. A student of ayahuasca since 2019, he is a trained yoga teacher and a PADI Advanced Open Water diver, having explored coral reefs around the world for over 25 years. He and his husband live in the mountains of Virginia, the ancestral land of the Manahoac and Monacan people. Find out more on Instagram @gregjwrenn or at gregwrenn.com.

I'm honored to have Roots to Crown host my talk on Saturday, 7/27 from 1-3pm! Thank you!



This event is offered on a donation basis. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and are essential for our continued operation. Thank you for supporting our community and helping us create more transformative experiences!

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Elementals | Ecstatic Dance + Contact Improv

Elementals | Ecstatic Dance + Contact Improv

This week, we invite you to join us in honoring and playing with each element: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether. From the grounded strength of Earth to the transcendent essence of Ether, we'll explore the raw power, texture, and beauty of these elements through guided movement practices.

DJ Bongos crafts a musical experience that resonates with the essence of each element. Feel the grounding vibrations of earthy beats, flow with the fluid rhythms of water, ignite your spirit with fiery tracks, soar with airy melodies, and transcend with ethereal sounds. His music will take us from playful exploration to deep introspection and back again, making every moment on the dance floor a celebration of life and connection.

Join us for an unforgettable night where we dance not just with our bodies, but with our souls. Let's connect with the elements, with each other, and with the infinite possibilities within us.

Contact Improv by: Cameo Rose
Edance hosted by: Seva Mudita
Visuals provided by RJL Visuals

This event is also a fundraiser for Roots to Crown - all funds go to support Roots - We also have a raffle running and an IndieGoGo
Raffle: URL will be posted here soon
Indiegogo: https://igg.me/at/rootstocrown/x/5685912#/
7 pm Contact Improv
8:15 pm Opening Circle
8:30 pm Edance
10 pm Closing Circle

Join us for Dance every Thursday 7-10pm & every first Saturday 6-11pm
Ecstatic Dance Guidelines

Silent Dance Floor: Please refrain from talking on the dance floor.
Shoes Off: Embrace the freedom of movement by dancing without shoes.
Substance-Free Zone: To keep this event safe and welcoming for all, please refrain from using drugs or alcohol. This is a kid-friendly environment.
Comfortable Attire: Wear clothes that allow you to move freely, like you would for yoga. Dress in a way that supports your fullest expression. No inappropriate attire to maintain a safe & welcoming atmosphere.
Scent-Free: Please avoid heavy scents or perfumes to respect everyone's sensitivity.

Practice Heart-Centered Consent

Space for Everyone: Honor each person’s need for space to dance on their own.
Connecting Mindfully: To engage with others, make eye contact and wait for a mutual 'yes'.
Solo Dancers’ Boundaries: Respect those who are dancing alone.
Gratitude Gesture: Hands in prayer signify, "I see you, and thank you for the dance (that just ended)."
This is a sacred space for healing, connection, and expression. Let’s co-create an environment where everyone feels safe and respected. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.
Nurture Your Body: Love yourself by staying hydrated and listening to your body’s needs.

Energy Exchange
Drop-in: $20
Members: Free
Tickets available at the door.
We accept Cash, Credit Cards, Venmo, cash app, & Zelle
Kids (16 & under) are free!

Low income tickets available (x4): $11
Request from the front desk - first come, first serve.

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Death Cafe

Death Cafe

Wanna Talk About Death?

Step into our Death Cafe, where the atmosphere is warm and welcoming, and conversations about life and mortality flow freely. This unique social gathering offers a safe, non-judgmental space to explore all things death, dying, and grief. Whether you have personal stories, deep questions, or simply a curiosity, all experiences and perspectives are welcome at our table.

Dive into meaningful, participant-led discussions with your community and embark on a thought-provoking journey together. Savor delicious treats, sip on your favorite beverages, and connect with others in a profound and enriching way. Let’s embrace the beauty of life’s final chapter with open hearts and minds.

This event is offered on a donation basis. Your contributions are greatly appreciated and are essential for our continued operation. Thank you for supporting our community and helping us create more transformative experiences!

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Sound Healing Journey with Lindy Romez (Jaya Devi)

Sound Healing Journey with Lindy Romez (Jaya Devi)

Sound Baths are very profound healing musical experiences and an easy way to meditate, heal, and transcend any disharmonies within the mind and body. Lindy uses Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, biosonic tuning forks, shamanic drumming, Native American flute, chanting, and various other sounds to help drop the brain into relaxing brainwave states.. Participants lay on the floor in supported savasana (corpse pose) to allow the waves of sound, frequency and vibrations to wash over them. Sound baths are a great compliment for those new to meditation and those who practice meditation regularly. If you are experiencing pain in the mind and body, this sound bath has been carefully designed to partner with you to assist in transcending lower frequency energy so you may alchemize to the higher frequency being that you are.

These instruments have been used for centuries for healing and meditation purposes. They create a range of sounds and frequencies that are harmonious to our nervous system and help to restore out-of-harmony parts of the body and mind to align us with our soul. The sounds generated by these sacred instruments are a type of vibrational medicine that promotes healing from stress, pain, depression, and most forms of dis-ease in the mind and body complex. The healing processes are initiated through en-training our brainwaves to synchronize with the perfect resonance of the universe through the unique range of tones that emit from these instruments. These tones create the perfect state for deep meditation, creative thinking, intuitive messages and powerful healing. The pure sonic waves that ring from these instruments wake up our ability to hear with more than our ears. We invite you to come and experience for yourself the powerful deep states of meditation that even someone new to meditation will be able to experience easily.

About the Facilitator


Lindy has been providing Sound Baths in the Tampa Bay area since her trip to India, March 2017. Along her own journey of healing and using sound to bring harmony to her own life experience, Lindy a former 82nd Airborne Division soldier, began to understand through the awareness of the high rate of suicide among fellow veterans that there is a need for community healing. Lindy believes that we all suffer on some level from time to time as it is a part of our life experience, and sound can be the best medicine. Through her non-profit Calm One, Inc, 501c3,

that was originally inspired by the high rate of suicide amongst veterans and the increased awareness of the mental health crisis that exists within all demographics. Her research began in 2019 and is ongoing on how sound, frequency, and vibration can offer the resonance to harmonize disharmonies within the mind and body complex. For more information and to donate visit, http://www.calmone.org

Lindy’s Collective Intention:

Our intention is to create a sacred and empowering space for those who are wholeheartedly engaged and ready to embark on a profound journey of awakening and self-discovery. We get to hold the space together for the healing and ascension for those who have been seeking to go deeper in their practice, healing and connecting with their higher purpose. If you are ready to transcend aspects of the self that no longer serve your higher purpose and recognize that you have not quite been yourself in a long time, it is with reverence and dedication that we are guided to support individuals in their spiritual growth, empowering them to embrace their true essence and live a life aligned with their soul’s purpose. We look forward to visiting with you as you are guided.

Private Sessions

If you would like to work with Lindy privately, you may reach her at calmoneemail@gmail.com. Subject line - Private Sound Healing Inquiry

Vibrational Medicine Sound Healing Course

If you are interested in learning and becoming certified in sound healing through Lindy’s Vibrational Medicine Course, visit: www.vibrationalmedicine.online for more information and email her directly, calmoneemail@gmail.com. Subject line - Interested in becoming a Certified Sound Healing Practitioner.

Free Guided Meditation

Lindy has recorded guided meditations that have been tested and proven by military veterans to assist with sleep, relaxation and inner peace. You may find her recordings free on:

Insight Timer: https://insig.ht/wWDpZH8CAsb

EkoSync YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@ekosyncmeditations

Follow Lindy on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lindyromez/


Each Session is priced at $36

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[Enter the] Galactic Heart Center
to Jul 21

[Enter the] Galactic Heart Center

Looking for a Saturday vibe with workshops & ice baths, live painters & live music all night, artisan vendors, awesome food & community?
AND it’s all for a good cause?!
You found the right one!

Galactic House welcomes you back to Roots to Crown for all the above, and then some

(Doors open at 4:30pm)

Workshops/Activities include:

Opening/Sharing Circle — 4:44pm

New Earth Meditation — 5:30pm

Nonviolent Communication with/ Marcile — 6pm

Ecovillage Presentation w/ Brian — 6:40pm

Laugh with Joy — 7pm

*times subject to slight changes as event approaches*

Our musical lineup for the night is as follows:

SOLARIS (Jasmine Reid)

ENTER THE SUN (Joel Jadus)


Joy Bliss Bless

Ananda Rose

Vejji King



Jenna Denèe

Bhakti Beats

w/ Ana Lavelle as our house drummer!

& an OPEN JAM to close out the night!

Vendors include:

Avocado Gypsy (mouthwatering plant based food)

Sacred Space Pyramids (orgonite/EMF protection, functional art & more)

Chandra’s Magic Massage Therapy

Divine Vibrations (Crystals & Tarot)

Florida (legal) C@nnab!s supply (18+)


This schedule is subject to change, please see the facebook event page for the most up to date schedule and updated list of vendors: https://www.facebook.com/events/1845762435901353

50% of the proceeds from this event go directly to Roots to Crown to keep this community haven afloat! We benefit so much with a venue like this in St. Pete, so your support means the world!

The other 50% of the proceeds go to the HeartCenter Ecovillage which is being built in the Ozark forest of Missouri! We are in the early stages and still need basic things such as a well for water & housing structures. There will be more information about this project provided at the event, as well as on our socials. Stay tuned!

Advance ticket $25
Day of ticket $35

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Sacred City Ceremony

Sacred City Ceremony

1. Roots to Crown is welcoming us to have Ceremony in their Conscious Space this week.

2. There is a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.

3. Doors open at 6:30pm and we ask that you are seated and ready when we begin Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp.

4. There will be a kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.

The Community
Sacred City is a magical place, built, brick by brick, with each courageous choice to be who we truly are then embrace however life unfolds from that authentic place.

Together, we do 3 things. We journey in ceremony to remember more of who we are, we step boldly into our daily lives to embody more of who we are, and we gather in celebration to rejoice in the magic that is created from embracing the meaningful adventure of an authentic life.

The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can return deeper into our true nature and most authentic expression.

This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.

The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $11 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.

4 Notes for You
1. This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!

2. We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!

3. We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together.

4. This Kirtan practice is not tied to any specific religion and is always looking to include songs from the spectrum of spiritual traditions across the globe.

Important Details
1. Doors open at 6:30PM
2. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM
3. Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on
4. The band will hold the container with their musical instruments. Simply bring your presence and your voice!
5. No experience required
6. Only attend if you plan on being deeply present and participating fully
7. Only attend if a sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign container is what you desire for your Friday night!

See you in the circle, my friends

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Ecstatic Dance: Journey Through Time

Ecstatic Dance: Journey Through Time

Enter a portal of timelessness where our past, present, and future selves collide. We'll dance with our inner child, connect with versions of our past, drop into all that is present, and call in our most aligned future selves to merge together through dance in this ecstatic journey through time.

DJ Kiger has curated a special journey, inviting our multidimensional selves to the dance floor. Each wave of music is designed to foster a deeply embodied connection to every layer of our being. Experience playful nostalgia as we dance through our past, feel the vibrant energy of modern dance music in the present, and explore the unknown with futuristic genres. DJ Kiger seamlessly blends house, electro, indie, synthpop, and dark electronic music, creating a rich tapestry of sound, allowing all versions of ourselves to merge

Contact Improv by: Arthur Paul Burton

Edance hosted by: Seva Mudita

Visuals provided by RJL Visuals

This event is also a fundraiser for Roots to Crown - all funds go to support Roots. We'll also announce our raffle that will run through to the end of August!




7 pm Contact Improv

8:15 pm Opening Circle

8:30 pm Edance

10 pm Closing Circle

Join us for Dance every Thursday 7-10pm & every first Saturday 6-11pm




Ecstatic Dance Guidelines

Silent Dance Floor: Please refrain from talking on the dance floor.

Shoes Off: Embrace the freedom of movement by dancing without shoes.

Substance-Free Zone: To keep this event safe and welcoming for all, please refrain from using drugs or alcohol. This is a kid-friendly environment.

Comfortable Attire: Wear clothes that allow you to move freely, like you would for yoga. Dress in a way that supports your fullest expression. No inappropriate attire to maintain a safe & welcoming atmosphere.

Scent-Free: Please avoid heavy scents or perfumes to respect everyone's sensitivity.

Practice Heart-Centered Consent

Space for Everyone: Honor each person’s need for space to dance on their own.

Connecting Mindfully: To engage with others, make eye contact and wait for a mutual 'yes'.

Solo Dancers’ Boundaries: Respect those who are dancing alone.

Gratitude Gesture: Hands in prayer signify, "I see you, and thank you for the dance (that just ended)."

This is a sacred space for healing, connection, and expression. Let’s co-create an environment where everyone feels safe and respected. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

Nurture Your Body: Love yourself by staying hydrated and listening to your body’s needs.


Energy Exchange


Drop-in: $20

Members: Free

Tickets available at the door.

We accept Cash, Credit Cards, Venmo, cash app, & Zelle

Kids (16 & under) are free!

Low income tickets available (x4): $11

Request from the front desk - first come, first serve.

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Join us as we re:connect with our roots in ceremony, bringing together 4 of our favorite modalities to help us amplify our capacity to FEEL our Soul Connection.

Combining Intention, Sound, Frequency, Breath & Movement we will create a Unified Field Dancing into Being our dreams, wishes and prayers.

6p Doors Open
6:30 YOGA FLOW w/Megan Yogini
7:30 Opening Circle & Qigong
8:00 Ecstatic Dance w/ Jämi
10:15 Breath Activation & Sound Healing
10:40 Closing Circle

Roots to Crown
1st Avenue North
Saint Petersburg, FL 33713


Tickets are $40
Hosted by Movement Temple.
Movement Temple is dedicated to nourishing a culture of creative expression through music & movement that honors the sacred. Curating a deeply intentional, safe and sacred space to connect, play, celebrate and embody the Spirit of Love. By raising the vibration by breathing, moving and dancing together in community, we thrive.
Learn more at https://move.love/

About Jämi:
Jämi Deva is a treasured part of the Big Island Ecstatic Dance Scene (where Ecstatic Dance first originated) as both a leader and a performer. It's always a journey of connection when Jämi is guiding our intentional dances.

A true musicologist, Jämi sources and rides the emergent wave of sonic innovation. His mixes span all genres and tempos of dance music serving up an alchemical elixir of multi-dimensional sound wizardry. Jami elegantly plays live percussion during his set which uniquely activates the shamanic potential of the dance floor. His beats are a ceremonial carnival of epic proportion. His artistry is truly unique - he is gifted and clearly called to hold some very new and transformational frequencies.

Practicing with the Sufi's for over 20 years, Jami is a visionary producer with an ear for the exotic. Jämi believes that Breath, Movement & Music are the keys to unlocking human potential.

Movement + Love = Freedom

“Jämi delivers a sound that is difficult to describe. It is clear that his life purpose is to inspire greatness in others." ~ Stan Grof

Jami along with his wife, Megan have been hosting the Big Island’s Sunday morning dance since the pandemic when they formed Movement Church in order to enforce our first amendment rights and Keep Dancing. He is a master at creating a healing soundscape that nurtures and Inspires real transformation.

About Megan:
Megan is a natural health and wellness coach certified in raw living nutrition. She is an advocate for women’s health and empowerment, conscious communication and the healing transformation that is True Love.

Megan is greatly inspired by the classical Iyengar tradition of Yoga asana which is deeply rooted in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra. She has been teaching for over 20 years and had the honor and challenge of studying in Puna, India with BKS Iyengar, the founder, his family and senior teachers. She has since certified many new yoga teachers in Bali, India & Hawai’i.

On top of teaching the classical and properly aligned asana, Megan blends her passion for dance and body-movement into an embodied and ecstatic Vinyasa flow.

This Yoga Experience will feature a gentle opening gracious moving practice - challenging for all levels with emphasis on alignment - Feel more at home in your body temple, become stronger, refreshed and at peace. Quiet your mind and feel grateful.
1 hour guided yoga practice with live DJ set by Jämi.

This event is our way of nourishing our Florida Ohana with all that we have been cultivating for the past 5 years on the Big Island. Thank you so much for hearing the call to join with us at this time!

Extended Experience Options:
On Sunday July 14th, we are gathering at the Dalí Museum for some extended fellowship and to get InSpired. https://thedali.org/

Afterwards we will go to St Pete Beach for sunset Qigong.

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Ecstatic Dance | Meeshy

Ecstatic Dance | Meeshy

Ecstatic Dance is a practice of moving meditation, a process of liberation, and an opportunity for raw, authentic expression. If you are new to edance, please read the rules below.

Dance every Thursday 7-10pm

Meeshy's ecstatic dance sets offer a unique fusion of modern electronic beats—spanning house, techno, and bass—with ancient roots and tribal rhythms. Inspired by the art of blending the unexpected with her divine feminine touch, Meeshy guides you on a heartfelt journey through ecstatic peaks and soulful valleys.

Contact Improv by: Cameo Rose
Edance hosted by: Seva Mudita
Visuals provided by RJL Visuals

7 pm Contact Improv
8:15 pm Opening Circle
8:30 pm Edance
10 pm Closing Circle

Ecstatic Dance Guidelines

Silent Dance Floor: Please refrain from talking on the dance floor.

Shoes Off: Embrace the freedom of movement by dancing without shoes.

Substance-Free Zone: To keep this event safe and welcoming for all, please refrain from using drugs or alcohol. This is a kid-friendly environment.

Comfortable Attire: Wear clothes that allow you to move freely, like you would for yoga. Dress in a way that supports your fullest expression. No exposure of genitals or inappropriate attire to maintain a welcoming atmosphere.

Scent-Free: Please avoid heavy scents or perfumes to respect everyone's sensitivity.

Practice Heart-Centered Consent

Space for Everyone: Honor each person’s need for space to dance on their own.

Connecting Mindfully: To engage with others, make eye contact and wait for a mutual 'yes'.

Solo Dancers’ Boundaries: Respect those who are dancing alone.

Gratitude Gesture: Hands in prayer signify, "I see you, and thank you for the dance (that just ended)."

This is a sacred space for healing, connection, and expression. Let’s co-create an environment where everyone feels safe and respected. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

Nurture Your Body: Love yourself by staying hydrated and listening to your body’s needs.

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Heaven on Earth 2.0

Heaven on Earth 2.0

Join us at “ Heaven on Earth “ for holistic and earth-education workshops followed by communal medicine music!

Brielle Águila will lead us in a Permaculture Talk, talking about the food forest perennial plants we have growing here. She will talk about their growth and ways to utilize them for our health, as well what they provide for the food forest’s health. She will also talk about the food forest layers and permaculture principles that we can apply in our lives physically and spiritually for Mother Earth and our collective restoration. She will then offer a medicine music set of original songs she has channeled for the healing of all relations and transmutation of pain into inspiration, strength and peace.

Maite La Muse will offer a True Voice Class and Medicine Song set as well. As a writer and composer, Maité draws on her multi-ethnic background to write songs using a variety of languages, cultures, and styles. Based in Hawaii, she draws inspiration from the natural elements, world music, ceremony, and her own personal journey of healing. With her hypnotic voice and powerful lyrics, she captures a growing international audience of devoted listeners. Maité is celebrated for her ability to merge genres, seamlessly weaving etheric melodies and words together for listeners to resonate deeply with. She also works as a mentor for those learning to use their voices to express themselves fully and authentically, and holds voice workshops around the world.

True voice Workshop by Maite will help open your voice to express your hearts song. This workshop is a safe and soft space for you to gently explore the hidden treasures and blocks inside of your voice, as well as the many sounds and stories that live within you. We will use practices to get comfortable using your voice and expand your capacity to receive your unique and authentic sound. In this workshop, you will investigate the blocks around your authentic voice, and be held and supported in softening those edges. You will practice embodying your voice with authenticity, empowerment, and deep presence, and have fun along the way.

Xue Lionstone is a singer songwriter based in Asheville, NC. He utilizes the keyboard to create an almost Psychedelic, meditative soundscape and is also known for his funky rythmic style of playing. He brings all original music from the heart for the heart. If you are in the audience at one of his shows, you are considered to be in the band/choir. So expect to activate your voice, and sing affirmational refrains like "I'm a divine creature walking on this earth" and "I'm gonna lead with my voice." Xue's passion is to guide singalong experiences that uplift and get people dancing and feeling.

Respect. Reconnect. Restore.

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Ecstatic Dance + CBC | Jami Deva

Ecstatic Dance + CBC | Jami Deva

From the Heart of Jämi Deva,

Ecstatic Dance DJ, Event Producer,

& Minister of Music


I want to share my intentions for DJing Ecstatic Dance, and the energy that’s possible for us to experience on the dance floor together.

Here in Hawaii, every time we pray or do good deeds, it is believed that we increase our MANA (spiritual magnetism). In this way, Mana is something that can be cultivated through your practices, rituals, ceremonies, prayers & offerings. We can also deplete our Mana by being negative, worrisome or from not taking good care of ourselves and one another.

Ecstatic Dance has become a way that I bring a lot of MANA to share with the dancers.

For me, DJing Ecstatic Dance is bringing this energy of transformation through on the dancefloor - A prayer to help us remember who we are and how sacred this life and this practice of coming together is.

This practice of dancing is a practice of renewal - one where we clear our own energy field individually and within the sacred container of ecstatic dance - we offer one another a space free of judgement - a clear space of appreciation and reverence for the sacredness of this life and the opportunity to be in a human body.

The energy that can be felt within the commUnity has the potential to heal us by renewing our faith in one another, to give us hope that we can get through whatever comes up and to activate our love on a soul level - being fully present to what is, here and now.

To take it one step further, we can dedicate our practice to the upliftment of ALL BEINGS EVERYWHERE - where not one is left out.

My sets are infused with prayers from around the world -

Prayers of reverence & love.

Prayers of freedom & release.

Prayers of renewal & gratitude.

Prayers of healing & Unity.

This life hasn’t been easy for any of us.

Especially in these times now.

Let us bring the best of ourselves to the dance

floor once again in honor of the One who made us

and all life everywhere.

Let us ripple out this love far and wide

throughout the cosmos like the light of a radiant star

burning bright.

For the benefit of All beings everywhere.

Wherever your Ecstatic Dance,

come prepared to dance hard

and to go deep in discovering

just how incredibly blessed we can be together.

-Jämi Deva

Note: Jämi often features ample amounts of Amapiano in his Ecstatic Dance sets,

with his live Djembe drumming mixed into the music.

Dance with him in San Francisco this Sunday

June 2 , Santa Cruz on Weds June 5,

and Santa Barbara Sunday June 16.

Listen to Jämi's Sets Here: https://soundcloud.com/devaliminal




5:30 pm Doors open

6 - 8 pm Contact Beyond Contact - Cameo Rose

8:15 pm Edance Opening Circle

8:30 pm Music starts

10:30 pm Closing Circle


What is Contact Beyond Contact?


From a deep sense of listening, Contact Beyond Contact is a somatic movement practice that offers a profound opportunity to deepen awareness in relationship with yourself, with one another, and with Spirit. It provides a clear structure to orient to the vibrations of different states that are eternally present. CBC weaves ancient healing practices with modern function.

As the facilitator, Cameo Rose aims to create an environment that strengthens safety within, so we can create magic together. She stands for connection, authenticity, and trust.

Drawing from over 10 years of therapeutic dance, she opens awareness to release trauma and discover exquisite truth. As a Craniosacral therapist, Crisis Stabilization Specialist, and bodyworker, she holds an anchor to recognize one’s inner truth. Let's find it and uncover your inner wisdom as we move and connect with each other. This class invites you to literally lean on each other.

This contact practice establishes a strong foundation to enter the Ecstatic Dance realm directly following class. We aim to cultivate a more connected community through authentic movement. So, bring your whole self and let's play.

Join us to co-regulate nervous system health, lose yourself in dance, and find a deeper connection with your source power... together.


Edance Rules


Please Respect the Space

- No talking on the dance floor

- No street shoes on the dance floor

- This is a strictly no drug or alcohol event & is kid-friendly.

- Dress in comfortable clothes which enable free movement, such as you would wear to yoga.

- Please, no heavy scents or perfumes.

Practice Non-verbal consent

- Allow everyone the space to dance apart.

- To interact, make eye contact, and 'listen' for a yes.

- Respect solo dancers' space

- Hands in prayer means, "I see you, and thank you for the dance (that just ended)."

This is a transformational space for healing, connection, and expression. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

Love your body, and drink plenty of water.




Workshop + Edace: $30 ADV, $40 Day-of

Members are FREE

Tickets available at the door.

We accept Cash, Credit Cards, Venmo, cash app, & Zelle

Kids (16 & under) are free!

We highly recommend coming for the full event! However, if you'd like to join us for just the dance, $30 dance-only tickets will be available at the door starting at 8pm, so long as space allows.

Volunteer opportunities may also be available - reach out to Seva Mudita

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Sacred City Ceremony

Sacred City Ceremony

1. Roots to Crown is welcoming us to have Ceremony in their Conscious Space this week.

2. There is a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.

3. Doors open at 6:30pm and we ask that you are seated and ready when we begin Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp.

4. There will be a kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.

The Community
Sacred City is a magical place, built, brick by brick, with each courageous choice to be who we truly are then embrace however life unfolds from that authentic place.

Together, we do 3 things. We journey in ceremony to remember more of who we are, we step boldly into our daily lives to embody more of who we are, and we gather in celebration to rejoice in the magic that is created from embracing the meaningful adventure of an authentic life.

The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can return deeper into our true nature and most authentic expression.

This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.

The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $11 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.

4 Notes for You
1. This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!

2. We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!

3. We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together.

4. This Kirtan practice is not tied to any specific religion and is always looking to include songs from the spectrum of spiritual traditions across the globe.

Important Details
1. Doors open at 6:30PM
2. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM
3. Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on
4. The band will hold the container with their musical instruments. Simply bring your presence and your voice!
5. No experience required
6. Only attend if you plan on being deeply present and participating fully
7. Only attend if a sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign container is what you desire for your Friday night!

See you in the circle, my friends

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Ecstatic Dance | INDEPENDANCE

Ecstatic Dance | INDEPENDANCE

Join us on this Independence dance for INDEPENDANCE!
An Ecstatic Dance Experience with Contact Improv!

DJ Kat / Kelly Atkins will be leading the Ecstatic Dance tonight!

DJ Kat has some surprises musically in store for us on the 4th of July! The tantric-powered journey will turn “on” your inner lights and offer a long game of deep dancing through jungles, on top of mountains, thru streams, and over the ocean. Come journey into the world of tribal, house, electronica, mystical tantric vibes, with medicine and chant music. We will open with some playful dominant/passive role play and creative tension to invite in the challenges, worries, and fears and dance through them.

Tonight, Contact will be led by Arthur Burton!

Prompts and guidance will be provided for those new to the practice, or you're welcome to just groove and move as you wish!
The jam is donation-based. Donations are split between the venue and the facilitator. Your support is appreciated!

Visuals provided by RJL Visuals

7-8 pm Contact Improv
8:15 pm Opening Circle
8:30 pm Edance
9:55 pm Closing Circle

We Host Ecstatic Dance every Thursday 8-10pm & Contact Improv 7-8pm + at least 1 Saturday per month & sometimes more! Keep an eye on the events on our website www.rootstocrown.space

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