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Divine Bliss: ACTIVATED

❀ ❀ ❀ INTRODUCTION ❀ ❀ ❀

You are divinity incarnated.
It’s time to *feel* that.
It’s time to LIVE that.

Whether you attend just Level ONE, take two, or continue on to all three, this journey deep into the world of Tantra is the unsuppressed, safe, and sacred space to unlock the Divine Bliss that has *always* been your birthright.

Guided by certified Tantra facilitator, Myco Jai Devi, this is an intentional and vetted group container only for folks who want to explore expanding their erotic life-force energy.

Level TWO - "Divine Bliss: ACTIVATED"
------ SUNDAY 1/19 1pm - 6pm ------

Through meditation, breathwork, and ancient Tantric rituals, you’ll cultivate and move erotic bliss energy across your *own* body! Raise your pleasure ceiling in a guided ceremony that unlocks your INTERNAL capacity for pleasure.

Then elevate this 1-directional energy flow to it's ultimate capacity in the 6-handed massage "Pleasure Buffet"! This is where you will experience the empowerment of OWNING and receiving your desires!

For More Info, visit our Facebook Event Page

January 18

“Boundaries and Bliss” A FREE Connection Playshop Building Empowered Relationships!

January 21

Angelic voice, Peruvian Flute and Reiki Drumming Experience