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Drum Making Ceremony with Sema Rae

Drum Making Ceremony with Sema Rae

June 22 / 9AM - 7PM


The art of drum making is a ceremony. It is an initiation into embodying the voice we are given and the voice of Mother Earth.

It has a life of its own and delivers unique lessons, messages and challenges for each person. It is a rite of passage into the self that is calling us. It is reclamation of our destiny as we step into the unfolding of our own great story.

This offering is for those who hear the call of the drum; who long to connect with the Earth and be a channel for the Divine; who have a heart for healing; who simply desire to sing and drum more; and for those who know it is time to activate the voice.

Drumming and singing is the most ancient technology to achieve states of high consciousness where deep healing and transformation happens, wisdom is received and life force replenished.

For me this ceremony is inseparable from our unique song. It is all about being a channel for our voice to fulfill its purpose - expressing the divine we are made of. It is to remember our birthright - our undeniable belonging to this Earth and to honor her will for us.

In this all day workshop we will hold a ceremony where we craft our medicine drums with intention and reverence to the process of giving and attaining new life after death. In our safe container we will create beauty, listen to what wants to come through us and weave our prayers and voices together.

At the end of our full day ceremony, we will take our cherished drums home with us, and commit to the practice of intentionally communing with the elemental forces in the context of channeling divine music.

All drum materials are provided!

What to know:

• All drum materials are provided.

• Please have breakfast before arriving, we are going to need strength!

What to bring:

• a towel you do not mind getting dirty

• large hole beads if you have a specific crystal you want to work with - Not necessary. I will have a selection for you to choose from.

• lunch and snacks - There will be a lunch break to eat what we brought for lunch. We will have light snacks available but feel free to bring whatever else you would like to snack on throughout the day.

• whatever else you might need to be comfortable for the whole day

For additional details or questions, contact Sema Rae at:

June 21

Sacred City Ceremony

June 23

SONGHA - 1 Day Music Retreat