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Sacred City Ceremony

1. Roots to Crown is welcoming us to have Ceremony in their Conscious Space this week.

2. There is a large paid parking lot next to Roots right under the highway if needed.

3. Doors open at 6:30pm and we ask that you are seated and ready when we begin Ceremony at 7:15pm sharp.

4. There will be a kids play space during the opening (7-7:30) and closing (9-9:30) times of Ceremony. This is available to support parents during these designated times of the experience that call for reverent silence.

The Community
Sacred City is a magical place, built, brick by brick, with each courageous choice to be who we truly are then embrace however life unfolds from that authentic place.

Together, we do 3 things. We journey in ceremony to remember more of who we are, we step boldly into our daily lives to embody more of who we are, and we gather in celebration to rejoice in the magic that is created from embracing the meaningful adventure of an authentic life.

The Experience
Together, we will ecstatically sing our way into the heartspace where we can return deeper into our true nature and most authentic expression.

This journey is 2 hour and a half hours of sacred and silly, so get ready to drop in deep, and have some fun along the way.

The Exchange
We are welcoming an exchange of $11 at the door for Ceremony. With that being said, we will never turn anyone away. If you aren't able to contribute this time, tell the person at the front "I am choosing the receive option tonight." You will then be let in for free.

4 Notes for You
1. This is a space to be vulnerable and sing your beautiful heart out. Know you will be fully accepted and celebrated for your expression. Enjoy the ride!

2. We believe strangers are simply future family. So, greet people you don't know yet and ask what inspired them to come this week. They will appreciate it. And you will create meaningful relationships in the process!

3. We will be recording audio and video during this experience so the Sacred City organization can share this medicine with you and the rest of the world beyond our time together.

4. This Kirtan practice is not tied to any specific religion and is always looking to include songs from the spectrum of spiritual traditions across the globe.

Important Details
1. Doors open at 6:30PM
2. The journey begins at 7:15PM sharp and ends at 9:30PM
3. Bring cozy cushions, pillows and blankets to sit on
4. The band will hold the container with their musical instruments. Simply bring your presence and your voice!
5. No experience required
6. Only attend if you plan on being deeply present and participating fully
7. Only attend if a sacred, silly, sober, safe, and sovereign container is what you desire for your Friday night!

See you in the circle, my friends

June 20

Ecstatic Dance | Luna Falls

June 22

Drum Making Ceremony with Sema Rae