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Ecstatic Dance | Luna Falls

Luna Falls is a house & mixed-genre EDM DJ who has been part of the festival, breathwork, and ecstatic dance community for years, and found DJing as both a creative outlet and healing modality. Her e-dance journey is meticulously crafted to take the listener on an elemental journey that will move through grounding (earth), flow (water), energetic release (fire), and conclude with a free flowing integration (air). Her style ranges from world and future bass, downtempo, trap, glitch hop, and various sub-genres of house to keep the energy flowing and encourage your own authentic expression. Come prepared to let go, be present in your body, and leave feeling lighter and freer.

Edance Hosted by Seva Mudita

Contact led by Arthur

Visuals provided by RJL Visuals




7-8 pm Contact Improv

8:15 pm Opening Circle

8:30 pm Edance

9:55 pm Closing Circle

We Host Ecstatic Dance every Thursday 8-10pm & Contact Improv 7-8pm + at least 1 Saturday per month & sometimes more! Keep an eye on the events on our website




Please Respect the Space

- No talking on the dance floor

- No street shoes on the dance floor

- This is a strictly no drug or alcohol event & is kid-friendly.

- Dress in comfortable clothes which enable free movement, such as you would wear to yoga.

- Please, no heavy scents or perfumes.

Practice Non-verbal consent

- Allow everyone the space to dance apart.

- To interact, make eye contact, and 'listen' for a yes.

- Respect solo dancers' space

- Hands in prayer means, "I see you, and thank you for the dance (that just ended)."

This is a transformational space for healing, connection, and expression. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.

Love your body, and drink plenty of water.


Energy Exchange


Edance: $20

Contact Improv: Donation (suggested $8+)

Members: Free

Low-income are tickets available! (x4) for $11

Request from the front desk - first come, first serve.

June 14

S.T.O.R.Y. 727 Talent Share

June 21

Sacred City Ceremony